" alpha we'll take care of her-"

" touch her without my saying I'll rip you apart" he snarled at his own guards as they stepped back

" scary alpha too? Hazel looks like you've got your self a good one...but will he really stay with you? Besides who'd want a mate that kills for fun and plays with others? For all you know she could be planning to stay and kill you. She still has those killer instinct" she chuckled

"What!? When Have-"

" Hazel. Is that true?" Xavier asked cutting Mason off

" what?" I question

" are you playing me? What else are you going to do? Kill me? Have you done this to others? Is that what you did to that alpha?" He snarled

" are you serious? You believe her? You believe her? Over someone that is your mate??  " I barked I felt the over dying feeling of my heart being shattered

' why does it hurt?!'

" I don't want to hear anything from you" he snarled

'Why? What is going on? Why doesn't he want to?' I thought

I looked into his eyes seeing they read hatred. He pushed me away as I stumbled but Mason grabbed me.

His voice sent shivers down my spine. A tone so low and menacing that it broke my heart.

" I don't want to see you anymore" he said

' Mia why?'

" Xavier are you ser-"

" Xavier!?" Mason shouted

" I said what I said." He growled at Mason seeing they both were letting off steam.

I looked into his beautiful grey eyes but quickly turned back to yellow. I slowly walked to him but he growled.

' why why why?'

My heart clenched as I felt the world around me spin.

' another one leaving. Another life walking away from me.'

' Mason-'

' run is all I want to do' I cut Mia off

I took a shaky deep breath and dropped my shoulders. I looked over at mason as he shook his head.

' don't hazel....don't run off what about Ava. Don't let them win. Please'

'....I won't fight. I will take my leave. I love you okay.' I said to him

Mason reached for me but I turned around and started to run and took a jump shifting, ripping the clothes apart.

I felt the small rejection of him and the mate pull, pulling at my heart but I ignored it.

I knew it would crush at my heart. I knew and heard about the great pain they could cause.

But I couldn't go to him. Hearing the look-outs and guards running behind me I sped up.

Running From The Wolves ✅COMPLETED ✅ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora