Familiar Faces

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"Mugs what-what's wrong with you?" The kettle called out. His child did not reply. Its wicked smile stayed plastered on his face.

"This certainly wasn't in the job description!" Phear Lap gulped. The horse realized that he was probably next on the list of people that the mug wanted to pummel. Mug reached down and sharpened his claws on Mangosteen's shell. The pool ball was unconscious, so it did not scream in pain. Phear Lap, however, gasped and tried to hide behind his prisoner. Mugman leaped forward once more. Both clawed hands extended outward, aiming for the horse's head. The claws latched onto the creature's skull. Two even sunk into its boney nostrils. Phear Lap reared back, letting go of Kettle. It urgently pushed at the glass body clinging to his face. He ultimately got the mutated child off him and tossed it away. Brown boots slid across the grassy ground a few feet before slowing to a stop. Mugman only stood there a couple seconds before charging once again.

"Stay away!" The skeletal horse screamed in fear. Another blue present was tossed Mugman's way. A mutated mug responded by swinging his right leg across his body. The ticking time bomb was kicked back to its giver. It exploded on Phear Lap's chest. Golden horse shoes lodged themselves in his ribs and limbs. One even shot up into his nostrils. Phear Lap's eyeless skull drooped in pain. Mugman continued his assault and summoned more blue magic at his right hand. The mug child jumped and delivered a nasty right hook to Phear Lap's gut. Its boney body was sent hurling toward Mangosteen, who was starting to come to. The horse's spine collided with the 8-ball's thick outer shell. Cracks formed all along his back as he let out a sigh of defeat. His body arched over the ball as it went limp for a few seconds.

Mugman's glass body walked toward the fallen enemies. It stopped a good ten feet from their collapsed bodies. Mangosteen's left eye caught sight of the mug that stood behind it. Likewise, Phear Lap reluctantly lifted his head to face his powerful enemy.

"Rrrrrr!" It growled at the heap of bones and pool ball. Mangosteen immediately yanked himself out of the ground as he screamed in terror.

"Run away!" It shouted at its partner. The 8-ball unknowingly tossed Phear Lap closer to their tormentor. Yellow gloves slid along the ground as they came within four feet of the sharp claws and fangs. Black eye sockets looked up at the child before scampering off after his comrade.

"Abort!" The horse whinnied as it galloped away. Mugman watched the two thugs hover away with that awful smile still latched onto his face. His chest pulsed in and out as the mutated child attempted to calm down. The flames coming out of his mug began to die down. They no longer leapt out of his cup and died down to a mere simmer of his liquid. Its breathing was audible to Elder Kettle as he came around front of the unusual creature. He hoped to get his son back from this seemingly evil force that had come over him in an instant. The mutated mug continued to stare straight ahead, not seeming to take notice of the kettle.

"Mugman, are you okay?" Elder Kettle quietly and calmly asked the monster. It was only then did the monstrous mug take notice of the elderly glassware. Fiery pupils locked onto a third target.

"Rrrrrr!" It growled at the kettle as the brown boots pushed him forward. Elder Kettle was on the brink of panicking. But he knew if he panicked, the possessed child would be on him even faster. The kettle slowly backed away as he continued to talk to his boy. His gloved hands motioned to the child to settle down.

"Calm down, Mugman. I'm not going to hurt you." He gently said. Claws on the mug's right hand began to drag along the ground. It was ready to strike with a fever. All of their friends crept closer to the kettle and mutated child. They were ready to jump in at a moment's notice to protect the old kettle from his own boy.

"Mugs, you have to remember who you are. Remember me." The old kettle explained. Mugman's body then stopped moving. Its fiery pupils just stared at the kettle as it showed no signs of violence. The child's mug cocked to the side as it tried to understand the person's body language.

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu