Chapter 20

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Sarah's POV

June 20th

We continue walking. Trying to find that orb. Trying to find any suspicious activity.

"So, where do you think that ball of magic is?" I ask as we continue walking through the dense forest. Lee shrugs.

"Well, Ty and Peggy were the ones that physically saw the orb, the rest of us only saw it in my vision," he tells me.

"We have to find any suspicious activity. We also have to hear anything whisper 'what's left of us' or, "What's left is coming,'" Ty explains.

I nod my head, trying to process that through my head.

What's left of us. What's left is coming....

I gasp.

"Wait a minute!" I shout to the team. They all stop and look at me, intrigued. "Guys, piece this all together. What's left of us. What's left is coming," I say. Everyone looks at me, confused. I sigh.

"What were Darkness and Sadness's last words?" I ask them. They still stare at me and I sigh, annoyed.

"'We may die, but you're about to get what's left of us.'" I quote Darkness.

Everyone's eyes grow wide. "No," Peggy whispers.

"Yeah. They may be dead, but those orbs are their magic. That's what's left of them," I explain.

Darkness and Sadness.... We're going to get what's left of them. Unless we can stop it, that is.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora