Chapter 8

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Amy's POV

June 5th

"Vision. Save them."

What could that mean?

Well, one of Lee's powers is the ability to predict the future and have visions, but they're not always correct.

But I feel that this time, whatever his vision he saw was correct.

I don't know, it's just my feeling. But half of me feels like I do know.

And I'm afraid for the other half of me to admit it.


Squid and Ty carefully pick up Lee's limp body and bring him to his room.

Is Lee....? No.

No, he can't be in the same condition Peggy was when she got stabbed with a sword and almost wasn't able to fight in the Final Battle. He just can't.

I-I don't know what to think anymore. If only I could read Lee's mind!

Wait.... Squid. He can read minds!!

I silently grab Squid's arm and pull him out of Lee's room, while everybody else sits and stands beside the unconscious brown bear, shocked at the events the just occurred.

I pull Squid into his room. He gives me a look that says, "What is going on?!" I sigh.

"Look, right before Lee passed out, what did he say?"

Squid thinks for a minute, than his eyes widen and he answers.

"He said, 'What's left of us,' and, 'Vision. Save them.'"

"Well, Lee gets visions of the past, future and present, so maybe...." I trail off, giving Squid the opportunity to finish.

"Maybe he got a vision.... and I can read his mind to see if he still has the vision and what he's thinking!" Squid finishes.

"Exactly!" I exclaim.

"Okay, but I need to be alone with Lee. It helps with concentration if nobody else is there. Whenever I've read minds with lots of people around, I could go it, but it was really hard to concentrate," Squid explains. I nod.

"Do you think he's possessed or in the void? Then I could free him!" Squid says.

I shake my head.

"No. He's not possessed or in the void. He's caught in his vision. But something might be there, though you can free him," I say.

Squid nods.

"Alright. Good luck," I say.

That's right. Good luck. We'll need it.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu