Fun Facts and Original Ideas

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Song: Don't You Worry Child
By: Swedish House Mafia

Dedications ahead.

1. When I originally had Adam (Sky) in this story, he was to one to be stabbed, and he was supposed to appear dead for a while, but then recover. Here's the deleted text:

Deleted text of chapter 30 (edited):

Are we just going to rot in this cell and watch as innocent Minecraftians die? I think as I sit up, my head leaning on the cell wall.

We're all in the same cell, my group. The cell is magic proof, so our powers are useless.

"Luna, you don't understand what you're doing! You're going to ruin an entire culture!" I yell at she walks past out cell.

"I don't care! I will anything in order to avenge Darkness and Sadness!" she says.

"But you could kill yourself! Those orbs of magic could kill you! Please, don't do this!" I beg. She just laughs as she walks away.

"Give it up, Peggy. We're never getting out of here," Amy says. I turn around and I see her sitting next to the still unconscious Squid.

I sigh and I crawl over to the injured Sky. "Are you doing alright?" I ask him.

Sky shakes his head. "I don't think so. My leg won't stop bleeding," he explains as he exposes his bloody leg from the leaves that are covering it.

"Do you think I'll survive it?" he asks me, a glint of hope in his eyes.

"I-I don't know. I'm sorry, Sky," I tell him, sighing at the end.

"If only I could make a healing cake for Sky, but I can't!" Lee says as he sits next to me and studies Sky's injury.

"Lee, do you have any healing potions in your backpack?" I ask him. Lee unzips his backpack and hunts though it, desperate to find a healing potion.

Lee sighs as he takes out an empty bottle that once held the pink liquid of a healing potion.

I take the bottle and examine it. I see something glisten in the bottle.

"Hey, I see a pinch of healing potion left!" I exclaim.

"Do you think it will work?" Sky asks, then groans from the pain.

"It'll have to, or you might die," I say, choking out the last word.

I hand the bottle to Sky. He takes it in his shaking hands. Sky brings the bottle to his trembling lips and swallows the last bit of healing potion.

His eyes start to close and he's struggling to stay awake. A tear runs down my face. Finally, his breathing stops.

"No," I whisper. "No!!" I scream louder.

I notice a ninja walks past our cell. I grab his shirt through the bars.

"This is your fault!! You, the other ninjas and Luna!! You did this!! You killed Sky!! He's dead!! Dead!! And it's all because of you!!" I scream at him.

The ninja takes his mask off.

"Ty?" I whisper.

"Ty?!" everyone else says.

Ty smiles at me. "Yeah," he whispers back.

"H-how did you get here?" I ask him.

"I'm here to free you. The rest of the team got kidnapped except for Sarah and I. We were able to run away in time," he explains to me. Luna appears at the end of the hall.

Ty pulls his mask back on. "Play along," he whispers to me. I nod.

"What are you doing with the prisoners?" Luna asks Ty.

"Oh, um, this stupid girl was yelling at me, and I was just threatening her," Ty convincingly says.

Luna studies Ty. "Okay," she finally says, walking away.

Ty takes off his mask again and smiles at me. I smile back.

"Thank you," I whisper to him.

"Anything for you guys," he whispers back. "Now, you said that Sky is dead?" he asks me. I nod my head.

"He was stabbed in the leg. He couldn't take it. He was bleeding too fast," I explain quickly.

"He's not dead," Ty and I look in the cell to see Lee staring at us. "But he will be any moment."

"Well, once we free you all from this cell, we might be able to heal him. But we have very little time," he explains. I nod my head.

"I'll be right back, okay? Be safe," he tells us.

I silently watch as Ty pulls his mask back on and slips out of the hallway unseen.

Like a ninja.

2. There was supposed to be another book called Those Days are Gone. It was to focus on Stampy and how an evil magic possesses him and turns him evil. See if you can find the title in this story. The picture attached to this chapter is the cover of what was to be the next book. Unfortunately I lost the original cover I had so I remade it to the best of my abilities for what I could remember it looked like, the only thing changed is the font.

3. The title Those Days are Gone is a lyric I found in the song, Don't You Worry Child, which I will attach to this chapter. See if you can find the lyric. Also see if you can guess why I'd give the book that title.

4. I didn't think I'd get so much support on this series.

5. Confused about the ending? Let me know and I'll make a chapter and discuss it.

6. The entire Transported series was written in two places, my notes app and Wattpad, so everything was written on my phone (except maybe one chapter).

7. Can you tell how much I've improved in writing as you read the series?

8. I had to do all the math to plan out the dates in this story.

9. I wrote the last chapter (epilogue) a year or two apart from when I wrote the rest of this story.

10. Most of the story I had no idea where I was going with it. I just let my imagination take me wherever it wanted.

11. There was supposed to be a lot more crying in this book than there is now.

12. When Sky was in this story, he was supposed to discover the orb along with Ty and Peggy.

13. At the beginning I was unsure about this series, but I am very glad I wrote it and I wouldn't change a thing.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now