Chapter 18

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Stampy's POV

June 18th

As I enter reality once more, one thought crosses my mind, sinks into my brain: We have to stop this.

I look around at everyone's faces. They're all worried. I can tell. I am, too. I mean, why wouldn't I be? I saw the future me die, right before my eyes. It's terrifying.

And I think everyone saw the same, but it happened to their own future selves.

Squid and Lee are the only ones that don't look completely surprised, although I can see a hint of worry in their eyes. They're trying to stay strong. For us.

Squid turns to walk our the door. I know what he's doing. He's going to run away again. He's either in denial or he's too overwhelmed. I grab his arm.

"Squid, don't leave again," I sternly tell him. He simply nods his head.

"So, what are we going to do?" Anna asks. I smirk. "We're going to fight," I answer. Everyone looks at me like I've gone crazy.

"And how are we going to do that?" Amy asks as she puts her hands on her hips. I smile even wider.

"We're going to kill these orbs and whatever's controlling them before this destruction happens," I explain.

"But that was the future, and you can't stop the future," Creep reasons.

"Maybe we can. Who said Lee's vision would come true?" I ask. Everyone starts to smile.

Lee's predictions and visions don't always come true. They're almost like a warning for what might come next.

"Hey, Peggy, remember when we went to see that orb?" Ty asks Peggy. She nods.

"Well, if we can find where that orb is now, we can follow it to see where it goes, and hopefully destroy all of them!" Ty explains. Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"We have to get decked out in armor, though," I say. Everyone goes to their rooms to get their armor. I go to my room.

As I search for my armor, I notice something.... Two notes. I pick them up and examine them. I remember these notes. Both of them. How could I forget? But why did I keep these? It's just too painful to think about.

I crumple up the two notes and throw them into the trash, as if they were gum wrappers.

Sorry, Darkness and Sadness, I think, Those days are gone.

I finally find my full enchanted diamond armor, my enchanted diamond sword, and my enchanted bow with arrows. I also grab a stack if food and stuff my things into a backpack, but I put on my armor.

I meet the team back in the kitchen.

"Is everyone ready?" Ty asks everyone as we all nod.

"Let's go," Endy sighs.

I'm the last one to leave the house.

I close the door and walk into the forest.

My last thought before I put my mind, body and soul into this mission was: The notes that Darkness and Sadness have me over a year ago are gone.

And they are. I am strong. We are strong. We can get through anything.


What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin