Chapter 6

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Endy's POV

We all arrive back at the house, Ty and Peggy acting suspicious. What happened? Did they see something?

Something weird? Or something scary? Exciting? Disturbing? I don't know. There's only one way to find out.


The team and I sit down on the couch in the living room across from a nervous Ty and Peggy the next morning. Stampy's cat, Mittens, sits next to Stampy. Mittens starts meowing.

"I know, Mittens, I'm suspicous, too," Stampy says. Duncan, one of Stampy's dogs, sits next to Mittens, growling.

"Duncan, what's wrong?" Stampy asks. Ducan barks and howls as Stampy listens. "I know, we're going to ask them. Don't worry," Stampy reassures Duncan. Stampy turns to look at us as we stare at him like he's grown a second head. "What? It's my power," he nonchalantly says, shrugging. We all nod and turn to Ty and Peggy, who are all looking down at the floor.

"So," I start.

"What did you see when Ty teleported you two?" Stampy softly asks.

The three glance at each other, communicating with their eyes. I wish I could speak eye.

They say nothing. They just shrug at the most. Creep speaks up. "Guys, we need to know what you saw, so if it's something bad, we can stop it."

"I-I know, but-" Peggy starts, but Squid interrupts.

"No. We need to know what's happened so we can help. We're a team. And teams are loyal to each other. Teams tell each other everything."

Ty sighs and opens his mouth to speak, but closes it almost immediately. He opens his mouth again, ready to speak, but Peggy cuts him off.

"Well, we found this purple orb of light, when I touched it, it did nothing, but it said, 'What's left of us. What's left is coming,'" she explains.

"No!!" Lee screams.

We all look at him, worry in our eyes.

Lee falls down to the floor, grasping his head and struggling for a trembling breath.

We all kneel down next to Lee, crying out his name.

"What's left of us...." Lee whispers.

"No, no, no, Lee, come on! Wake up!!" Anna screams, shaking his shoulders.

Lee starts to breathe heavily as he tries to stand up. He immediately trips and falls. Squid catches him just in time before he injures his head. Squid and Amy lead Lee to his bedroom and carefully set him on his bed.

"Lee, can you here me? Are you okay?" I ask one I kneel down next to his bed. Lee frantically shakes his head.

He says three more words.

Three little words.

Three little words that lead us to thinking.

"Vision. Save them."

What's going on?

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora