Chapter 4

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Excuse mistakes and grammar errors!

Derrick is really getting on his shit. Since him getting shot he's taking the time to realize whats important in his life.We get up every morning and get ready for school he comes home with me and we go to sleep together every night . I love my baby more than anything and I'm so happy to see him alive and well.

"Babe, come on we have to finish this homework".

" Ok Chanel let me finish this quarter real quick.You just start and I'll get your answers".

" Hell naw, stop playing the game".

He look at me and kept playing. I start laughing like this nigga is really trying me today.So I got up and cut the game off and sat back down and started on my work. I could feel the stare he was giving me but I dont care. I'm so serious about my education that the person I'm with needs to me the same. Derrick knows this.

We had to like 3 worksheets but Derrick had more because him being in the hospital. I dinish ny work and then had to help his slow ass finish his.Looking at him I just smiled.This dude here is my everything I might not like what he do but im always  be there to support him.

After finishing our homework we laid and bed and chilled. I love cuddling with him.He says I'm a big baby but so what.I couldn't believe I almost lost him I wouldnt know what to do if I did.

While we was laying there he got a call.



"Yeah, bro I can".


"Give me a hour".


He laughed and said, " Yeah".


" Aight one".

I never question Derrick but dont be talking in code while I'm right here. I didn't say nothing I just act like I was sleep.

"Babe, I have to go real quick".

" Mmhmm".

He kissed my forehead and start putting his clothes on. He look back and I closed my eyes. I seen him grab his gun and walk out the door. After he left I hop my ass and throw on some sweatpants, uggs, hoodie. I called Ted.

" Hello ", He answered grumpy.

" Aye, I need a big favor".

" Sis its like 12 a nigga sleep".

" I know but I really need you right now".

" Sis what bro do now".

" I don't know that's why I need you to come".

" What you mean".

By this time I know he was fully awake.

" He got a call and then he left".

" Ok I'm on my way".

" Aight".

I sat there thinking is he back selling again. His ass almost die from doing this shit and his back at again. I can't image him getting shot again and this time losing him.

Ted called and said he was outside. I open the window and jump out. I love his grandparents but they nosey and I don't have time for that right now.I walk to the car and hop in.

" So sis you really think hes selling again".

" Yeah I do so let's go".

He pulled off and we was on her way to find out the truth.

So I just had to post chapter 4 it was in my head

Chicago will probably be a short story

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