Chapter 14

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Its the day before we leave to go to LSU. The emotions  I'm facing I know I'm not  getting no sleep tonight.I had everything at the door waiting for tomorrow.We were flying down there.

I was in my room listening to music like  always. I didn't move back with Derrick  after everything  because it didn't feel  right.I felt we needed time apart and since we young us doing this thing for about  two years has gotten the best of us. Ms. Angie thought it was best for me to live with her and Lola until I graduated. Derrick was pissed about it but I  didn't care everytime we get into he wants to put me out and I'm so over that.

Lola walk in my room looking sad.

"What's wrong",I asked sitting up from the bed.

She hop on the bed and pouted.I just gave her a look.

"Rio was supposed to spend the night but now he cant",She said pouting.

"Ok why not",I asked.

"Cause his mammy said something",She said.

Rio's momma and Lola dont get along for whatever reason.

"Is Derrick coming  over",She asked.

"I don't know haven't talk to him".

Since it  was the last day we clean and watch TV.We was in Lola room watching tv eating popcorn when my phone vibrate

Derrick: Omw


"Derrick on his way",I said smiling.

"You lucky bish".

I laugh and jump out of Lola bed and went into my room.It was a little mess cause all my clothes. I folded them up and put them to the side.I lit some candles and sprayed.I got to have it smelling good.I haven't had  none in a while and  I'm  leaving for a week.My phone vibrate and I already knew who it was.

I went to go open the door and there he was standing with a bear amd some red roses.I had a big smile on my face.We not together anymore but we got love for each other.

"What's up babe",He said smiling.

"Hey",I smiled moving to the side.

We walk into my room.I sat the bear on my bed and the roses on the dresser.I climb into the bed and hugged the bear.

"You really leaving me",He said sitting on the bed.

"Derrick don't,its only  for a week",I said moving over.

He didn't say nothing back so we was laying on the bed.We layed there cuddling under each other.

"My baby is coming over",Lola said busting  through the door.

Derrick and I looked up at her.

"What bish his coming over,his coming over",She sang while dancing.

We laugh even though Lola doesn't like what Derrick  has done to me she still puts up with it.

"Aye Lola get out so I  can get  some butt",Derrick said.

Lola gave him a look and I start laughing.

She was about to say something when she heard front door.She jump amd ran to the door.Derrick got up and locked it and  then walk  to the bed.

"Shit come on",He said taking his shirt off.

I frowned cause I  dont know who he think hes talking to but I'm not no thot.

He climb and laid between my legs
He a start kissing my thighs.

"Derrick stop",I said moving up.

Mane stop playing with me",He mumbled.

He kiss the inside my thighs and he gpt close to her.He move my shorts and panties to the side and went in.

I was trying to catch my breath and moan at the sametime.

"Babbee",I moan.

He stop grab my waist and remove my shorts and panties at the  same time and went to work.It was feeling  so good.He haven't ate the box in a while shit we haven't had sex in a while.

He was going in and I was wet as fuxk.He lift up and his face was shiny.I laugh and he start smiling.He took his shorts off.My baby packing amd he was looking sexy standing there.

"Chanel",He said.

I looked and he had a smirk on his face.


"Mane come on",He said climbing into bed.

He open my legs.He had the condom on.He kept looking in my eyes  with so much lust that he  was ready to fuck some shit up. He slide in slow. I close my legs cause it started to hurt.

"Chanel opening your legs,you going to make me cum fast",He said trying to move my legs.

I losen up a little.It start feeling good after a while.I was crawling his back and he kept going deeper. I felt like he was in my stomach.

"Babe,I can't breath",I yelled out

"Let the shit out then",He said

My juices came flowing out.

I move away from him to catch my breath.

He grab me so I  could lay on his chest then I drifted off to sleep.

"I love you",I heard him whisper.

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