Chapter 13

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Since he walk out that door two days ago I haven't heard from him.I decided to go to Lola house and just stay there until spring break. They have a guest room so thats were I will be staying.It was hard leaving but I couldn't sleep in our bed knowing his not by me.I left a little stuff there cause everything couldn't fit in Lola moms car.
I tired to call him and text him amd didn't get no answer.I cried so hard that day and the next couple days.

I was in my new room  listening to music.I have live with Lola and her mom before Derrick let me move in with him.I haven't talk to anybody but Lola and Ted. I go to school do my work and come back home.I see Derrick in school and its so awkward.Ted and him got  into and they don't speak anymore.

In about a week I was off  to visit LSU. How  excited I  should be I'm  not
I just want to talk to talk to Derrick before I  leave.

Lola,Rio and myself are flying down there.So my packing hasn't really started  and I have to much stuff.

There was a knocked at the door.

"Come in ",I yelled.

In step Lola mom Ms. Angie.

"Hey hun,I'm leaving for work and  Lola will be back in a hour she said".

I nodded and she  came and gave me a kiss on the forehead.Her and my mom was bestfriend growing up but  when I  got older and the whole situation of why I  got put out Ms.Angie couldn't agree with  my mom on that.

"Call him baby before you leave",She said walking  out

She closed the door and I sat up.I went to contacts and I seen his name and i got butterflies.Its crazy how just  seeing his name ans the picture of us.A tear ran down my face. I look at the phone one more time before closing  it.I got up and went to the kitchen. It was food on the stove.Brown rice and chicken.I place my plate in the microwave.I went back to get my phone I check but it was nothing but instagram amd twitter notifications. I went back to my contacts and went his name.I was going back and forth telling  myself to call him amd don't call him.

I push  the green button and called. It started to ring I  got nervous.

"Hello",He answered.

I froze I  couldn't say nothing.

"Chanel",He said annoyed.

"Yeaahh",I  strutted out.

"What's up".

"What you doing",I asked.

"Nothing was sleep".


"Look I know you leaving next week and I  want you  to have a safe trip and call me when you get there".

I  started to cry.

"Chanel stop crying.You know I  love you more than myself and it hurt that you didn't tell me this thats all.I wasn't mad I  was hurt.

I nodded like he could see me.

"I love you and  I'm come over later okay",He said.

"I love you too".

We hung up.

I got off the phone smiling from ear to ear.For him to say he was happy for me and that I should have just  told  him made me feel dumb. I should have listen to Lola.

Later that night he  came over and help me pack while complaining  why I haven't pack.It was nice beening around him.I couldn't stop looking  at him.It was about 1 when we finish.I took a shower and then came back to my room to see Derrick lay out sleep.I laugh and went over to him
I took his shoes off and then climb into bed. I got under the cover amd round over.I felt arms wrap my waist and pull me close.

This book is off hold for now.

Chapter will not be long

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