The World is an asshole 3/3 - Superboy/Conner Kent x Reader

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Originally posted on my Tumblr :

Feedbacks and all are more than welcomed, and BEYOND appreciated ! :D


The World was kind of an asshole.

It's the only thought you have as everything happens.

The World was kind of an asshole.

Oh you had enough.

This was just too much. You couldn't handle it.

Why could nothing go your way ?! Why everything had to always be so damn difficult ? You were so close from a nervous breakdown.


And no one could help you. You were all alone in this.

No one could cheer you up.

Not even Conner's reassuring arms and kisses, your brothers' soothing words and hugs or your dad's smile could make things better. If this thing wasn't working, your life would just be ruined...

In a last, and full of spite, action, you...punch the AC with all your might.

And, thanks all the Gods that ever existed, it turns on again. With a sigh of contentment you stay in front of the cool air and life comes back to you again.

It was summer time and the heat was killing you.

You were a creature of the cool and refreshing air of the night.

From Gotham City at that, a place where, for over two third of the year, it was rain, thunderstorms and snow.

Hot weather always got to you. Making you grumpy (grumpier than usually, you were a Wayne after all) and irritable.

And of course, the AC at the Young Justice's headquarters was broken, and no one seemed to know how to fix it...Well, that was until you punched the main panel that was in the room you all hung in the most, making it work again somehow. And damn it felt good.

Relishing in the cold wind brushing you, you closed your eyes and sigh once more. After a few minutes of standing there, finally refreshed and in a giddy mood once more, you open your eyes and join your friends back on the couches everyone was sitting on.

They didn't even register what you just did, used to you and your antics but...Wally can't help but say :

-Do you really have to punch all your problems away ?

You smile and chuckle lowly, as you sit next to Conner and his arms automatically wrap around your shoulders.

-Hey, I've been raised by the Punch Master, dude. So, the answer is : yes. Yes I do. Besides, AC's working again know.

Wally can't help the smile creeping on his face, though he tries to act completely exasperated for good measure. You're about to say something else but are distracted by Conner kissing your cheek tenderly...he can never resist. Whenever you're being even just a tiny bit sassy, he just feels the need to kiss you, because oh damn he loves that part of your personality.

That's when he and your brothers come in.

Your dad. The Batman. He tries to ignore as best as possible your dazed smile as Conner peppers kiss down your jaw, he tries to ignore your girly giggle and looks away, saying :

-Are you talking about me ?

And oh he knows the grin on your face is full of smugness. He knows that you're very happy that he's finally trying to accept that Conner is your boyfriend but...he also knows that you're your mother's daughter, and mischievously teasing him is one of your favorite past time. You turn your head to him, pulling away from Conner and says :

DC comics characters x Reader (Various)Where stories live. Discover now