Chapter 12: Jenna

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I woke up, feeling kinds sick. I layed in bed for alittle bit longer. Looking to the right of me there was Liam. I shifted alittle bit making my shirt twist up. Liam placed his warm, soft hands around my waist. Pulling me closer to him. 

"Morning Babe." He whisppered in my ear softly. Slowly placing kisses on my neck. I closed my eyes. Not knowing what time it was, I drifted back to sleep.


I loved the fact that when I wake up again, Liam was holding me tightly in his arms. I tryed not to move so much, as i grabbed my phone. There was a calender update. Opening it see that I have class at 12:30. I looked at the time it was 11:28. SHIT! I kissed Liam on the lips hoping it would wake him, and it did so.

"Yeah?" He sighed

"I'm getting up now. So can you let me go please" I said kindly. He removed his hands fro a minute. Then pulling me back by him. Lightly touching my lips, gently kissed me. I ran my fingers through his soft, thick hair. Kissing him more and more. Made me not want to get out of bed. I wanted to stay like this for ever. But I pulled away slowly...

"I have to go take a shower. Cos I have school in 45 minutes. He smiled

"Ok, I'll be in the kitchen." He removed the covers from himself, he was wearing a pair of basketball shorts, with no shirt on. *So hot! I thought to myself.

"Ok!" I jumped up, run to my dresser to find so cloths. Then on my way I pasted a mirror. I was wearing short shorts that I haven't worn since about a year ago. (Senior year) They kinda looked sexie on me now then last year. Liam left the room, Into the kitchen. I quickly got into the shower. I caked my hair with soap. Rinsing it out slowly, as i hummed to the tune of 'What Makes You Beautiful' 

I could smell the coffee, when i got out of the shower. Smell's delisouse. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I twisted my soak and wet hair into a messy bun. 

"You look B-E-A-U-T-IFUL. Make sure the boys at school, know you have a boyfriend." he paused

"And he's not sharing. No exceptions" He winked at me. Yes if you didn't figure it out by now, we are a couple.

"Aha!" I laughed. He walked over to me giving me a hug.

"Mhm, You smell GOOD."

"That's what happened when you take a shower" I teased him left to right until i had to go to school. ugh I don't want to go. But i have to....

"I'll see you tonight" Liam gave me a big bear hug. Along with a kiss. I didn't want to let go of him. It felt so goo to be in his arms.


School is going as slow as a turtle, No joke. I wish it would end. I get to be back in Liam's arms again, Once i get home. It was silent in the class room, except you could hear only the teachers voice. I can't pay attention. My mind is to set on Liam. He's so sweet. Every time I'm with him, He takes GREAT care of me. I truly am in love with Liam Payne. Yes the Liam Payne in One Direction. But that's not how i see him anymore. He's so much more than that one guy from One Direction. I hope others see it too!

When I entered my house, it was clean. A note was left on the counter that read........


I'll be back later. I had some work to do with the boys. I don't know how late it will be. But i'll be by you when you wake up, If you fall alseep before i come home.

Much love, Liam <3

I was happy to come home to that note. Even though it was not his warm hug. I'm still happy. I never thought I would fall in love like this. Liam, He's so kind hearted, caring, so many other words. Who could not adore that? It was 5:24, dinner time. I wasen't that hungry but i grabbed a bagel and a apple. Sat on the couch flipping through channels. I found one channel, I have no clue what i'm watching. Some movie. After a while i feel asleep. But not for long. I woke up to my phone going off like crazy. It was Liam '7 new messages'  them all saying- 'Hey babe, you there?'how are you? 'Are you ok?' 'Whats wrong?' 'Hello! Answer me babe!' 'Are you ok?' he seemed to worry after 'hey babe' when i did not answer. I typed in

"Sorry, I'm ok. I kinda feel asleep on the couch after school." I sent it his way. I tryed waiting for the text message back from him, but my eyes got droupy. I fell into a deep sleep. I dreampt of me and Liam getting Married it was a beautiful wedding. i wish it was REAL!


Liam's sweet voice woke me up.

"Hey." He planted a kiss on my lips like he hasen't seen me in forever. I kissed him back. Pulling him down to me. 

"You sure sleep alot!" he took a breath, but I pulled him back down. 

"I missed you like CRAZY!" I told him. he tryed pulling away but i would not let him. But Finlay i did.

"Are you hungry? I bought stuff to make spagettie" Awe how thoughtful.

"Starved" He laughed

"I'll go start then" I smiled, and followed him. It was 9:56. We always seem to eat late. It's kinda weird but I'm getting use to it.

"Can i help you with anything?"

"If you want, Start the noodles." He replied smiling.

"Ok, i will" I grabbed a pot filled it with HOT water. Within ten minutes it was boiling. 

"How are them noodles coming?" He moved my hair away from my neck. I pushed him away lightly.

"No Liam. Not in the kitchen. Please" I smiled at him. Slightly brushed my lips against his, teasing him. Then turned back to the noodles.

"Your so cute." He said smiling. The food was done around 10:30. We sat on the couch. Watching a movie. I ate my food slowly, so I don't get sick or feel sick tomorrow morning. I don't know if Liam is going to stay the night. I hope so, I enjoy his company.

"What do you have to do tomorrow?" Liam asked

"Nothing, Just going to hangout. Maybe visit my mom. Since i haven't seen her in like forever" I looked at him

"I have more things to do with the guys" I gave him a smile. I got up putting my dish in the sink. and made my way to the stairs.

"I'll be up their in a bit." He called from behind me. I put shorts on with a silky pajama top. One I put my head on the pillow. I Begin to fall a sleep. I felt hands running through my hair. Liam was playing with my curly hair. He kissed me as i kissed back. His hands ran down my face. Gently rubbing my cheek. I drifted off into the night of sleep.

* Hiya Guys. thanks for reading(: This book just seems to get more interesting. FYI, i have this book finished in a notebook i just have to type it and im being slow sorry! But keep reading, watching for when i update it should be every week even more if i get time to(: Become my Fan please!(: and VOTE!!!!

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