Next thing I know were off.


"Colton this isn't school." I said as we pulled up to a small diner. He nodded, and got off the bike after he killed the engine, it wasn't all that bad riding on the bike, I mean yeah it was scary at first but I still had a blast.

"I know, we're skipping." Colton said.

"Skipping?!" I squeaked. I looked at my phone and it was 7:45, first period has already started. God, I am going to get in so much trouble....

"Don't over think it, just relax and have fun." Colton said as we entered the diner. "Colton, I am going to get grounded, I might have a test, I am going to have to make up so much home-" "Table for two." Colton said to the guy who was standing at the front taking peoples names.

"Alright, right this way." He said. Me and Colton followed him and we went to sit at a booth. He placed down two small breakfast menus in front of us then said "Your watior will be right with you." He said, he then left and I stared at Colton who was sitting in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked. He was starting to piss me off.

"Nothing, you just worry about nothing. Live a little." Colton said looking at his breakfast menu. "Living a little doesn't mean skipping school, Colton." I said. He chuckled but didn't say anything.

"So why do this for me?" I asked as I looked threw the menu my self. I was really craving for some pancakes, with bacon and a hashbrown on the side, I think that was exactly what I was going to order. Colton shrugged before answering. "I kinda know what you went threw. Monica was hard to get over with and I had Kendall and Colby to help me get over her, now you had to deal with Andrew, and I think since i've been a douche to you I can make it up." He said just as the waitor came over.

"Hello, my name is Jacob, and I will be taking care of you this morning. Can I start you all off with some drinks?" Jacob asked. "I'll take a water." Colton ordered. "Orange Juice." I said. Jacob nodded and wrote down our drinks onto the note pad. "Are you guys ready to order?" Jake asked again. "Yes we are."


"That was filling." I said as we walked to Colt's motercycle. Woah.... When did you start naming him Colt? I chuckled a little and climbed on the back of his bike. "Yes yes it was. Now, the next place is only a hour away so get confortable." Colton said starting the bike. "You're not telling me where we're going are you?" I asked putting on my helment. "Nope!" Colton said popping the P. Like before, the next thing I know we were off to somewhere where I only know that the place is a hour away.

I got on the bike after him, and put on my... I mean his helmet. Then the engine roared to life. "Ready?" Colton asked. "Let's go."

As soon as I said that the bike left the diner and we were now back on the road, going to where ever Colton had stored for us. While the wind was rushing around I saw something... I ended up screaming because I knew what I saw.

Soon I felt the bike stop. I couldn't really see because my eyes were watering.

Colton got off the bike and took of his and my helmet.

"What's wrong? Why did you scream?" He asked. He clearly sounded worried.

It took me a few minutes to answer, but I did. "I saw him. Not him him, but his ghost thing him." I jumbled out. I couldn't sleep alone tonight. Andrew knew where I lived, he could come a
In the middle of the night and take me.

"I thought you said he got killed." Colton asked. I shrugged, I honestly don't know anymore.

"C'mon let's go, before we get killed ourselfs."


"What's this place?" We pulled up to a woods type area. My phone has been buzzing non-stop. It's probably Sam and Tyler wondering where the hell I am, and I am thinking the same question.

"Just follow me." He said starting to walk.

"This isn't the part where you are going to kill me is it?" I asked as we started to walk up a hill in the woods. If was only about 10:30 so it was still morning. "No, I am not going to kill you." Colton chuckled.

About fifteen and a half minutes later we reached a cliff. It was pretty- since it is summer the leaves were all different colors, it was perfect weather out: not too hot, and not too cold.

"It's pretty up here." I whispered.

"Yeah, it's also a great place to think and get away from all the drama." Colton said. "I can understand why." I said. We both sat down on a log that was overlooking the beautiful view.

"So why did you scream on the motorcycle?" Colton brought up.

"I saw Andrew. Not like actually Andrew, more like his ghost or something." I gulped. I couldn't be seeing his ghost it couldn't be possible.

"It's probably because you are remembering him, you get the image of him into your head, then you think he's right beside you. Trust me, that's happened to me before after Monica left." He said. I nodded and shrugged.

"I guess your right."

"So, why'd you bring me here?" I asked after moments of silence.

"Just thought we could have some fun, you know? Take your mind off of things." Colton said standing up. "What do you plan to do up here that's fun?" I asked, then it took me a moment to figure out what he was planning.

"Oh hell no." I said just as he took off his shirt. Holy mother of God.

"C'mon it's fun!" Colton said. "I am not jumping off a cliff into the water. You know, I read a artical in some magazine that someone died from doing this stupid idea. You got me to go on your motorcycle, there is no way in hell I am jumping." I said mortified. I mean I wanted to do this, I was with Colton. If he hasn't killed me on that death machine yet, then I guess I can trust him with this. But there is no way in hell I will ever admit that.

"Don't you trust me?" He said. I nodded and sighed. I knew he would say that at sometime.

"Yes but-" He cut me off. "But what Taylor? When was the last time you done something badass like this?" I tried thinking of a time but I couldn't.

"Exactly, C'mon, I will buy you ice cream after words and we can go mini golfing afterwords then I will take you home." Colton bribed.

I thought about it for a few, but finally gave in. "You're an ass you know that?" I said. He shrugged and nodded.


Apparently we stayed out all after noon and into the evening. It was now 9:30pm and I had school tomorrow. Joy.

"I had fun today. Thank you." I smiled. He smiled back. "I had fun too. Next time I won't take you out of school. Because I know your mother is going to be pissed." Colton said. I rolled my eyes, "She was ten times worse then me now when she was in high school, she shouldn't be too worried." I chuckled. Colton smiled.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow then?" I nodded, smiled and looked down.

I then saw him scoot closer to me, he's going to kiss me.

I was right, his lips landed on mine. I was shocked for a moment, but I kissed him back.

He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Good night, Smith."
"Good night, Matthews."


SUPER LONG CHAPTER! So sorry about that.

I hope you all enjoyed it.

Not wanting to make this a long authors note, I will just talk to you guys in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it. :)



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