"I'm assuming we have a time?" She asked Saki.

"We will meet at Izaya's old apartment at 6pm tonight. Kida will inform Shizuo and Celty beforehand so they will know we need help if we call them." Saki replied.

"Okay. Tonight at 6."


Izaya was making dinner for himself, Yuu, and Shizuo when he heard Shizuo's phone buzz. "Shizuo, I think you got a text!" He called from the kitchen.

Shizuo got up from his spot next to You and grabbed his phone. He scowled when he read the message he had gotten.

Since Shizuo was busy sending a reply to whoever messaged him, Izaya decided to carry the food to the table. He picked up the pot and tried to move it but felt pain shoot through his arms and he dropped it and the boiling hot contents.

"Ow!" Some water spilled on his feet and burned them.

Shizuo had already sent a reply to the person who had texted him and ran to Izaya's side. "Are you alright?" He asked as Yuu walked into the room.

"I'm okay." Izaya didn't move his arms and winced from the pain. "I need ice for the burns though..."

Shizuo got up and got the ice to put on his feet, he gave the ice to Yuu so he could carry Izaya to the couch. Yuu followed behind with the ice in hand.

Shizuo set Izaya down on the couch and gave him the ice. Izaya put on ice on the burns and leaned against Shizuo. "What about the mess I made...?" He asked worriedly.

"I'll clean it up. Yuu, make sure he doesn't hurt himself again." Shizuo said, getting off the couch and heading to the kitchen to clean up the spilled food.

Yuu cuddled up to his dad and pouted. "Papa you know you have weak arms. Papa Shizuo can carry heavy things for you." He said, as if he was the father in the relationship.

"I know Yuu-chan, but he was busy with something and I didn't want to bother him." Izaya replied, wincing at the pain in his arms.

Yuu frowned but then smiled. "Sakura nee-chan can give you a checkup! But she's at work..maybe she can bring mister Shinra with her! He's funny."

"I'll have Shizuo call Sakura when he comes back" Izaya mumbled, unable to move his arms without them hurting. "I really screwed up my arms this time..." He mumbled.

Yuu got up and grabbed ice for Izaya's arms. He ran back into the room, careful not to get in Shizuo's way as he ran past him. He placed the ice on the the red and swollen parts of Izaya's arms.

"That's so cold!" Izaya yelped as Shizuo walked back in.

"I cleaned the mess, we can order food or something." He said as he sat next to Izaya.

Izaya smiled and leaned against Shizuo. "Thank you. Can you call Sakura for me? I can't move my arms..."

Shizuo pulled out his phone and called Sakura. He told her what happened and she said she was heading over with Shinra and Celty.

The three watched the news and waited for Sakura and the others. When Sakura walked in she immediately glared at Shizuo, since he was the cause of Izaya's weak arms.

Izaya glared at Sakura so that she would stop glaring at Shizuo. "Hey Sakura, I'm sure Shizu-chan told you what happened." Izaya immediately realized his mistake as he felt the ex-bartender tense up.


The figure put on a black hoodie and stepped out of their apartment. They walked out on the streets and enjoyed the sights. They coughed but they had their mask on so they wouldn't spread their germs.

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