Chapter 13: Caring

Start from the beginning

They cared.

[3 Weeks Later]

Shizuo and Izaya were pretty awkward around each other after the incident in the kitchen. They rarely talked for a week since none of them had the courage to talk about it.

Eventually Shizuo had enough and went to Izaya's apartment to talk while Yuu was at school. Izaya was surprised to see Shizuo but invited him in anyway.

The two had a very long and awkward discussion about what had happened and where they should go from there. Izaya hesitantly agreed to going out with Shizuo, still worried about what would happen if Shizuo found out who he was.

The two started dating, only Yuu and Sakura knowing that bit of information. Yuu had even started calling Shizuo "Papa Shizuo" instead of "Mister Shizuo"

Sakura had the same worries as Izaya when she found out but was supportive after realizing how much it meant to Izaya. She promised that she would help explain things to Shizuo if he ever found out about Izaya's identity.

3 weeks after the kitchen incident, Izaya and Shizuo were on the couch watching the news. There was a news report that caused Izaya to be worried.

"We have received an anonymous report that Izaya Orihara, a man presumed to be dead, is alive." The reporter said. Izaya choked on the water he was drinking while Shizuo clenched his fists.

"That's a shock." Izaya said, coughing.

Shizuo looked at Izaya worriedly. "You okay?" He asked, taking the cup of water from him so he could focus on not choking. He wasn't going to try to be a doctor and risk making things worse.

"I'm fine. I was startled and choked on the drink. I'm fine now though." Izaya said, no longer coughing or choking. Shizuo sighed in relief and gave Izaya the glass of water.

Izaya cuddled up to Shizuo and they continued watching the news. Izaya was worried, could the fake Kanra have sent in the anonymous tip? Or maybe it was the "creep" Shizuo had mentioned.

He had so many questions and zero answers. He had to get to the bottom of the situation, he didn't want anyone he cared about getting hurt.

He shocked himself. He never cared about anyone except for his mother when he was young. After that he decided he wouldn't care for humans and just love them, not worried about their safety.

Now he didn't want any humans getting hurt? It was a strange feeling but Izaya accepted it. He knew that emotions would cause him pain, that was why he blocked them out in the first place, but he wanted to give being human a shot.

He didn't want to be a god anymore. He just wanted his friends and family to be safe, and he would make sure that they were.


Anri was happy that she got to eat hotpot at her favorite manga authors home. She was so happy to experience it with her friends and Mikado that she almost forgot about the situation at hand.

Izaya was back, Kanra was back. She had to help figure out if Izaya was being Kanra or if someone hacked the account while Izaya was in hiding. She didn't even know what to believe.

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