Chap 2: Troubled Arguments

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Sowon: What are you doing here?!

Sojin: Hey..have some respect for your big sis. I came to visit you. Umji let me in.

Sowon: Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

Sojin: What the hell you talkin' about? Check your phone.

2 miss calls, 38 messages from Sojin unnie💕

Sowon: Oops..mian unnie.

Sojin: It's fine. I know your tired. I heard your group got into another scandal again. With the same group again.

Sowon: Yeah...what time is it, unnie?

Sojin: It's 5:37p.m. Why?

Sowon: Nothing, just checking how long I slept. 1 hour and 20 minutes..around that.

Sojin: You alright? You're the leader so if your group causes a problem, the leader is to punished first.

Sowon: I'm fine. Unnie, I'm going out tomorrow with Jin oppa. What do you think will be his reaction when I say that we can't meet up for a few weeks?

Sojin: I can guess that he'll be confused and ask you the reason. What's the reason anyway?

Sowon: I just want our group's scandal to cool down first...BTS is a worldwide group. Even rumors of BTS members dating, the fans go wild. BUDDY is the half-half kind. They accept it but with a heavy heart. But the craziest people are the netizens. They would go attacking us right away.

Sojin: Now I know why people mistake you as the older sister. I'm sure he'll understand once you explain. You can still text him.

Sowon: Why does it sound like Jin saw me with another guy and misunderstood so now I have to go explain to him? My god. I thought it only happens in movies or books.

Sojin: I know right. Anyway, it's already 5:50p.m. I need to go now. Better wake your members and prepare dinner. See you next time, Sojung.

They walked to the door and Sowon opened it for her.

Sowon: Annyeong,unnie~

Sowon waved at her and Sojin waved back. Once Sojin was out of view, Sowon closed the door. She went to Eunha and Yuju's room.

Sowon: Wake up, girls. Go take a shower.

The two just sleepily nod and off to the toilet they went. Sowon went to the maknae's room.

Sowon: Oh! Both of you are awake. Go take a shower.

They stopped playing their game and went to the bathroom. Sowon made her way to her and Yerin's room.

Yerin: Nae, nae. I'll take a shower.

Yerin got off her bed and went to the bathroom after taking her towel. Sowon just went out and went to kitchen.

Sowon: Fish and chips would be fine for tonight.

She started to cook and after around 30 minutes, the food was done and the girls sat around to eat. They ate once everyone sat down.

Sowon: Guys, I know this is quite a lot to ask but..can you stay away from the guys for a while? Maybe for 2 or 3 weeks. You can still text them but avoid meeting them please.

SinB: We understand ,unnie. We're going to face a bigger problem if we are spotted again with them.

Yuju: Yeah. It's fine ,unnie. We don't want to ruin their reputation neither ours.

Eunha: We can still talk to them anyway. It wouldn't be a problem I guess.

Umji: So that's what you were talking about with Sojin unnie?

Yerin: Sojin unnie was here?

Sowon: Mian. She didn't want to wake you guys up since you looked tired. If your finished, clean your own dishes.

The girls just nod. Sowon went to her room and took a shower. She went out and saw the girls in the living room, watching TV.

One of Korea's top girl groups' member has been spotted with a BTS member. Yerin from Gfriend was said to be with Kim Taehyung, one of the members of Bangtan at Han River at around 2:27 p.m. This wasn't the first time a Gfriend member has been spotted with the BTS members. Recently, the lead vocalist of Gfriend, Eunha was reported to be seen with BTS' maknae, Jungkook at a café in Myeong-dong. These scandals have been making BTS' Saesang fans crazy. That's all for the Korean Idol news today.

Yerin: Now we actually have to stay away from the Bangtan members.

Yuju: Let's call Namjoon oppa to tell him about the 'separation'.

Eunha: You're saying that like it's a break up.

The girls laughed it off and dialled Namjoon's number. At the third ring, Namjoon picked up. They put it on speaker.

Namjoon: Watched the news?

Umji: Guess you guys just watched it too. Put it on speaker, oppa. We need to inform every member.

Namjoon: okay.

Taehyung: How you guys doing?

SinB: Fine just fine.

Sowon: Guys,we needed to tell you something.

Jungkook: What is it, noona? Sounds serious.

Yerin: Quite, Kook. We need to stay away from each other for awhile. Maybe about 2 or 3 weeks.

Hoseok: What? Why?

Yoongi: Yeah. Why exactly?

Yuju: As you guys saw on the news just now, it's been hectic between our fans. We don't want to bring your nor our reputations down because of the scandals.

Umji: We can still text though,oppas.

Jimin: So you're putting your career in front of our relationship?

Sowon: Ani! That's not what we meant.

Jin: Then what does it mean,Kim Sojung?

Yerin: We meant that we can still date secretly but we can't meet each other for the time being. We just want to wait for these scandals to calm down before another rises.

Taehyung: This scandal would take too much time to cool off.

Umji: Why can't you guys understand?!

Hoseok: We're still older than you! Respect us at least. We're your sunbaes.

SinB: So that's what you think of us? You think of us as your hoobaes?

Namjoon: How about this guys? Tomorrow one of you girls and one of you guys, go out and meet secretly. Go to some restaurant or shop that has a private room. Understand each others sides from there.

Sowon: I'll go with Jin oppa. We were planning on meeting up anyway.

SinB: Okay bye.

SinB just hung up the phone and went to her room. The others just stared at her in disbelief. How could she hang up just like that. Sowon texted Namjoon and appologized for SinB suddenly hanging up. Namjoon forgave and Sowon closed her phone.

Sowon: Go get rest. I can guess that this is only the calm before the storm.

The girls nod and went to their respective rooms. Sowon also entered her room and laid down on her bed.

Yerin: Unnie..why do I feel like our relationship with BTS oppas are about to end?

Sowon: I don't know Yerin ah..Let's not talk about this. Rest. Tomorrow will decide the decision about this. Just hope for the best.

Yerin: Nae unnie.

Sowon closed the lights and went to bed. She played her playlist of a few of her favourite songs and soon drifted off to dreamland.

To be continued~

Hey! So, this story is moving quite fast rather than I expected. So good luck. Hope you enjoyed. Good day/ night!Annyeong~

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