Chapter 11: Culprit

Start from the beginning

Yuu looked up at Shizuo. "Mister, what are we gonna do?" He asked curiously.

Despite being scared of Shizuo the first time he saw him at Russia Sushi, Yuu wasn't scared of the big man anymore since Sakura and his papa weren't scared of him.

"Well, what do you do when Sakura babysits you?" Shizuo asked the 7 year old.

"We go to the park and she lets me play! She baked cookies with me, we gave papa the cookies." Yuu told him happily.

Shizuo thought for a minute. "Sakura told me your papa writes manga, do you want to go to a manga store and read some?" He asked.

"Yea!" Yuu cheered, grabbing Shizuo's hand so he wouldn't get lost.

Shizuo smiled as he led the boy to the manga shop, he didn't know he was able to like a child but he really like Yuu's company. The boy rarely spoke out of turn and was very well behaved.

Shizuo's doubts about Yuu's father melted away as Yuu told him stories about Izaya. The ex-bartender didn't even know he was listening to stories about his old enemy.

Yuu kept talking until the pair got to the store. Shizuo opened the door and the two walked inside, Yuu looked around at all the different manga the place had. "Woah! Papa never took me here!" He said, dragging Shizuo to a rack to look at the manga.

Shizuo laughed at the young boys excitement. "I know a couple people who come here a lot. That's how I know about this place." He told Yuu, picking up a manga.

Shizuo and Yuu looked at different mangas, Yuu kept choosing the ones with a lot of action while Shizuo read some random ones he picked up. Yuu would occasionally ask Shizuo for help reading certain words.

Shizuo was helping Yuu with a words when he heard a feminine voice yell "Oh my gosh! Shizuo is with a child!" It was Erika, which meant Kadota's whole gang was with her.

"Erika, it's good to see you..." Shizuo said with a scowl. Yuu looked between Erika and Shizuo, he held Shizuo's hand and hid behind him.

Erika squealed. "He's so cute! Shizuo is he yours?!" She asked excitedly before frowning. "Wait... IS he yours?!" She asked, seeming worried.

"No. I'm babysitting" He replied bluntly.

Erika sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. You are only allowed to date Izaya!" She told him.

Walker sighed. "Erika, he's dead. Give it up. Your ship won't happen"

A voice interrupted them. "Actually, your precious Izaya is alive."


Mikado spent the whole day in the group chat with Anri and Masaomi. The trio kept interacting with Kanra to see if they could find differences between the actual Kanra and the new Kanra.

They didn't believe that Izaya was alive, but if he was then trouble was brewing in Ikebukuro. 'They act exactly like Kanra... Could Izaya really be alive?' Mikado thought as he typed.

"Mikado-kun... you don't think he could be alive... do you?" Anri asked quietly from her bed, eyes turning red.

"The possibility is there, this person is acting exactly like Kanra. Which gives me reason to believe that he could possibly be alive." He told her, knowing not to sugarcoat his words.

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