8. The Party

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It took Dave's hours and hours to figure what to wear. The new clothes that Santana bought out for him were lying across the bedroom. 

Phrases like casual, dressy-casual, semi-casual and party-casual were all in one swinging  around his head until he decided for a pair of blue jeans and a blue button up shirt. 

He sprayed some cologne  and gave himself a little pep talk in the mirrior. "You've got this Karofsky"

It was Saturday night and when he arrived the party was already in full swing. He walked through the door to find that the Hummel-Hudson' once well obtain home was now a really hot mess. He knew Burt and Carole were out of town but he didn't think Kurt would allow Finn to let things get this out of hand. 

"HEY!!" Dave yelled as he intercepted a lamp that three boys in letterman jackets were using as a game of catch.  "Knock it off!" 

The jocks just glared at Dave but then they herded off to go barbarically raid the kitchen. The place stank of alcohol and sweat as anyone who hadn't already passed out on the floor or couch was dancing in what looked like one giant teenage mass. 

In the distance he spotted Kurt, as handsome as ever, on the bar stool near the corner of the room. He looked like he was chugging down whatever was in the cup s0 quickly it was as if he was afraid it would evaporate if he didn't. 

Dave made his way across the room to him, as he approched Kurt seemed preoccupied trying to refill his cup when he managed to get the bottle of his hands. 

"Hey!" Kurt protested. Then once he saw who he was, he let out a "Heeey!!" A little too enthusiasatically. 

Dave waved a hand in front of his face to rid the air of the smell of alcohol that just escaped Kurt's mouth. "Hey to you too" 

"You caammee. I knneeeww you would come. Blainey said you wouldn't come but I kneew you'd come." Kurt said slurring a bit. 

Yeah. OK. Where is Anderson anyway? Why is Kurt all alone.

Dave was looking everywhere, looking for Blaine and Kurt took notice of that.. 

"If you loooking for Blaine? He passed out a looong tiiimme ago. I said to myself I wasn't going to drink but after spending the night alone, I thought I deserved to have as much fun as anyone around here." Kurt said holding his empty cup up as he started to giggle without stop. 

"What's so funny?" Dave asked, giving Kurt a seriously concerned look. 

Kurt looked back at him, and then as if suddenly realizing that nothing was, he started to sniffle. His eyes became wet, and before Dave knew it, Kurt was sobbing hard into his shoulder. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay" Dave tried. 

"No! No, it's not! You just got here, and I am here, pathetically crying into your very nice shirt, getting you all gross and sweaty." 

At least he likes the shirt. 

"You wanna know why I'm sweaty? It's not from dancing with Blaine. No! It's from dancing with the girls who all took turns to hang out with a sad sack like me because my own boyfriend won't even bother to do so." 

Dave was only patting his head slighty and hearing him. 

"You want to know how many words Blaine said to me tonight? 3! 'Where. ShouldI. Put. Damicrophone" Kurt mumbled into Dave's shirt, counting on his fingers before he found them way more interesting than what he was saying. 

Dave wasn't going to nitpick and mention that there were at least 4 words in whatever the hell Kurt said. 

"Kurt, Kurt, it's not your fault. You deserve better. Come on. Let's get you somewhere where you can lie down." Dave put Kurt's arms around him and managed to him to stand. He tried to get him to walk but after several tries, Dave just picked him up 'you know bridal style' and carried him up the stairs. 

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