13. Will You Be My Boyfriend?

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"What's up with Kurt?" Quinn asked gesturing towards an incredibly sullen looking Kurt. 

"He's still upset over his break up with Blaine" Dave responded. 

"Wait, you haven't asked him out yet? What's wrong with you?! Blaine is out of his life. What do I have to do? Rent a motel room?" 

"Look, I have to give him his space" 

"It's been three weeks, Karofsky. There's no space between you two"

"Look I'm going to..." 

"Go talk to him" Mercedes insisted as she shoved him in the direction of Kurt who was rearranging his locker for the third time for the past two minutes. 

Dave walked towards him and shuffled his feet trying to think of a way to address him. "uh... hey" was what he came up with. 

"Oh hey, Dave" Kurt greeted nervously, moving a piece of hair out of his face self-consciously. "How are you? What's new?" 

"Um...nothing really and I'm fine. You look really nice today." 

"Thanks" Kurt said as he blushed. 

"So um... how are you?" 

"Oh I'm good, I'm good" 

"Even though you're not with Blaine anymore?" Dave asked as he tactfully as he could manage. 

"Who?" Kurt asked confusedly before realization hit him. "Oh yeah, yeah Blaine right. Um.. yeah it's not like I can really miss him because we never spent that much time together." 

Dave looked sad that Kurt would think such a thing. 

"That's not true," Dave said with sincerity.

Kurt gave a small smile. "Thank you, David, but let's be real here. Why do you think I couldn't keep his attention? I'm not exactly your obvious beauty." 

"You're right" Kurt was slightly disappointed at Dave's agreement with his statement but nonetheless unsurprised which broke Dave's heart. "You're not an obvious beauty. You're like...a unique beauty" That made Kurt smile so Dave kept going. 

"Yeah, you're that 'nothing' when people ask me what I'm thinking about" Kurt just shook his head smiling. "Also... do you play Quidditch? Because you're a keeper. You know? You're beautiful but what makes you so great is that you're rare. There's no one else like you. The way you sing... or heck the way you flip that hair, even the way you smile." Kurt chuckled. "The way you do so much for people you care about, you're special Kurt Elizabeth Hummel." Dave finished off with a smile. 

By the time Dave had finished speaking, Kurt's smile had grown but even more than that, his eyes had lit up as someone had turned on the light to help him see him just how beautiful he is. 

But just as quickly as it had turned on, it turned off, just like that, as he self-consciously shrugged off what Dave had said, remembering that the only person who ever loved him loved himself a whole lot more. "Thanks, Dave. That's really sweet of you. I just wish other people felt that way too" 

"You'll find somebody, I promise" Dave reassured him. 

"I think I found it, but he doesn't know it yet" 

They entered the choir room. "So guys, regionals is coming up and.." Will started as he stood in front of the glee kids, but Dave raised his hand and slowly stood up from his seat. 

"Uh... Mr. Schue, if it's alright I'd like to say something first. There's something I'd like to say that I think someone here needs to hear." 

"Um...okay Dave. Little uncalled for, but if there's really something you need to get off your chest, the floor is yours" 

"Thanks, Mr. Schue" Dave responded as he made his way to the front of the room. 

Dave took a deep breath. He was even more nervous now than he was when he auditioned. However, when he looked up into the magnificent glasz eyes that have become so familiar to him now. So he opened up his mouth, and tell.. because Kurt deserved it. 

"I may not tell you this every day but I just want you to know that you mean the world to me. The day you stepped into my life you changed into something so beautiful and meaningful. I may not be the first man in your life but I want to be the last man you ever loved. I may not be the first man who made you feel loved but I want to be the only one to make you feel love to the core." 

By this time, the realization had dawned on everyone in the room, and it was clear to whom Dave was saying. Silence filled with tension echoed through the room. Suddenly Kurt got up from his chair and with an intent look in his eyes, slowly but deliberately made his way to Dave. 

Dave found himself in a very familiar predicament and had to shake off the feeling deja vu. However, this time when Kurt got to him, he just stood in front of him looking into his eyes. 

"I love you Kurt" 

Kurt was surprised at the amount of confidence with which Dave said it. No stuttering. 

"I love you too" 

If Kurt was surprised at his own words, then Dave was downright shocked. 

"Wait... what?" 

"I love you" Kurt said sincerely, smiling up at him. 

"You what now?" Dave asked incredulously. 

"I love you" Kurt nearly shouted, his smiled as big as Dave's. They just stood there smiling at each other, feeling great. 

"I have something else to ask you" 

"More, what could it be?" Kurt asked. 

"Will you be my Boyfriend?" Dave asked grabbing Kurt's hands. 

"Just say 'yes' to him already!" demanded an exasperated Sam who was standing in the doorway. 

Both Kurt and Dave let out a nervous laugh and Kurt did as he was told, earning cheers from their friends, causing them to smile.. they kiss which Dave genuinely hoped was the first of many. 

The next day, Kurt saw Dave putting his books into the locker, getting ready for spring break. He walked up to him with a small smile on his face. 

"Hey, Baby" Kurt greeted the taller boy. 

"Hey" Dave responde with a gofy smile on his face. 

"Why are you smiling?" Kurt asked playfully. 

"I can't belive we are boyfriends" he shrugged as he took his boyfriend's hand in his. 

Kurt shook his head, moved a piece of light brown hair out of his eyes, and stood on his tippy toes to kiss his new boyfriend. "Come on" Kurt said as he began tugging Dave's arm as they walked down the hallway. 

"Where are we going?" Dave asked. 

Does it matter?" Kurt asked, smirking. 

"No, not as long I'm with you" Dave said sincerely leaning down to kiss Kurt once again on the mouth in front of whoever the hell might be looking. 

"That's what I thought?" 

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