6. Joining Glee Club

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"You think this is a great idea Santana?" Dave was telling her while walking on the hallway.

"Don't be such a wuss, Dave... of course it's going to work.." Santana said as they were approching the choir room

As they were entering the room, everyone look at the door to see that Santana and Karofsky had entered everyone looked happy but Finn and Puck. 

"Guess who's joining the Glee Club?" Santana greeted everyone at the room. 

"You better be talking about Sunshine, she's better with us than Vocal Adrenaline.... Rachel did all wrong sending her into that crack house" Finn said. 

"Santana can I talk to you for a moment?" Dave said to her pushing her to the side. 

"Can I ask why do I have to join Glee Club?" He said almost whispering. 

"Weren't you the one who said you'd do anything to get into Kurt's pants?" Santana's said. 

"...I believe my exact words were 'to win Kurt's heart' and that was it" 

"Same difference" Santana waved that off. 

"Alright but I still don't see how joining Glee Club's gonna make Kurt forget about Bowties" 

"Blaine has a voice like the angels. He can melt even the firmest of the butter. You need to show Kurt that you're not just some cheap jock."

"But I can't sing" 

"Are you two finished, fighting like a couple." Puck said. 

"Excuse me?" Dave said. "We weren't fighting, and plus that is none of your damn bussiness" 

"Anyway" She turned to Dave again. "It's not about how you sing, as it's what you sing?" With that she got a smile on her face that instead of being wicked said. "Trust me"

And surprisingly he did. Santana only smiled when she was either inflicting emotional trauma via insults or conjuring up an awesome idea she found ingenious. He stills not sure which one scares him more. Either way, his fate now lied in her hands. 

When Kurt walked into the choir room, he looked nothing shy of surprised.  Already sitting down was Dave. "What are you doing here? He asked. 

"Oh, I'm auditioning" 

"Really?" Was it just his imagination or did Kurt looked more than thrilled.


"So guys!" Will walked into the room interrupting this little chat. "Santana tells me we have a new member amongst us! One Dave Karofsky. Now Kurt, are you sure about this?" 

"Absolutely" He said as he turned to smile at Dave while simultaneously taking his seat next to Blaine. 

"Yeah, I know. I actually have something prepared." 

"You do?" Kurt turned to him. 

"Awesome!" Mr. Schue remarked in that unusally chipper tune of his. 

Dave let out a breath as he stand in front of the Glee Kids. 

"Boooo" Puck Shattered the silence, but stopped as soon as he caught the glare of Kurt's glare. 

The booing was actually less unnerving than the quiet that followed afterward as the song started to play. 

It's okay, Karofsky... man up... Inner Santana.... Inner Santana. 

Oh no! Inner Santana was laughing at him! But then, Dave looked up at that glasz eyes that Kurt had and locked eyes wth him. Those magnificent eyes, Kurt gave him a slight nod and all of the sudden, he wanted to sing only for him. 

♪♪And I'd give up forever to touch you

Cause I know that you feel me somehow

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be

And I don't want to go home right now♪♪

As Dave sang, he did so with all the emotion he had about last year. He finally realised why he hurt so bad. He realised that every ounce of emotional pain he cause Kurt was also inflicted upon himself, because he was hurting the one he loved. To be honest, he really didn't know where he'd be without him, but he had a feeling it wouldn't have been a nice place. 

♫♫And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's meant to be broken

I just want you to know who I am♫♫

Not one time one the song did Dave remove his eyes from Kurt's and vice versa. He needed him to understand that he knew he couldn't fix last year. But he was so damn sure spend the rest of his life trying to make it up if Kurt would let him. 

♪♪I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am♪♪

After Dave finish the song, and the failure of Puck's dramatic slow clapping, Kurt stood up and walked towards him. Dave had no idea what to expect. This could go anywhere from him slapping to him kissing and he was secretly praying for latter. Then all of the sudden, he felt Kurt's arms around him and his teary face dug into his neck. 

"I forgive you, you know?" Said between sniffles. 

"I know" The only question left in Dave's mind was if he could forgive himself. 

The song David Karofsky sang in this Chapter was Iris by Goo Goo Dolls.

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