Chapter Five

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The court is filled to the brim. I can see hidden weapons on some of the people. We stand in the building behind a curtain as the head official, the sick looking man, speaks to the masses. We just now learned his name, Oliver Scots. The name is kind of nice itself, but very unsuiting for him. The only reason we know is because we saw the schedule for this assembly. We are going to come out halfway through for some sort of announcement. They never said why but it must be for some sort of update. I'm actually pretty excited. I'm getting justice for the little boy and for Kelly. A pang of guilt flows through me and I try to swallow it down, now's not the time for distraction. A black suited official approaches and tells us to go out. I sure hope Nico's okay.

We march out with our guns in hand in the off duty position. We look over the crowd and many of them visibly shudder. We line up behind Oliver as he finishes his little speech. He turns slowly to us with his mic still on.

"Don't you know we'd figure it out?"

"Figure out what, sir?" Jace asks stepping forward, his face a mask.

Oliver marches forward and grabs my hand.

"Don't you know, little rebel, that we would see through your façade? Your allegiance is not with us." He hisses.

The crowd gasps but I know it's all an act.

"Disarm her." He orders.

Three soldiers dressed in black rush forward to do their master's orders. I give Jace a warning glance as Oliver looks away. He stays put. The soldiers yank all my weapons from me but little do they know that I have a small pistol stuffed in an awkward place. They run back to their posts and I watch as Oliver pulls out a little gun of his own.

"Alexis Berlin, you have been sentenced to death."

"On what grounds?" I ask calmly.

"On my own."

I step forward towards the place in which he points. I won't have time to pull my pistol out of my undershirt. I connect D'Ryus quickly.

Throw me your gun just before he gets ready to shoot.

Already planned on it.




I love you.

Well thanks for not telling me earlier. I glance over at him and roll my eyes but I can't keep from smiling. I always suspected that he did, for I feel the same way even under all of this government poison.

Love you too, ya goon. Now focus, that's an order.

Yes ma'am.

I kneel down to where Oliver plans to do the public execution. A few guards rush over to stand by my side to ensure I don't run. They set their hands on my shoulders firmly. Oliver aims his gun as he says aloud,

"This won't be the only execution today."

I smile at him and he glares back.

Then it all happens in a flash, Tauren tackles Oliver, Jace shoots both guards, and D'Ryus throws me his gun and pulls out another.

The people below cheer and rush forward as soldiers stream out of every doorway towards us and the people. I see our shuttle zoom by and I know Nico is off to the rebel base. I smile inwardly, two points for us.

Then I watch in horror as several bullets from oncoming soldiers find their mark in Tauren's back as he holds a squirming Oliver down. I see his muscles relax and know he's dead. Oliver springs to his feet, and no one has a chance to fight him. It's just going to be me and him. Jace shoots at, at least twenty soldiers in the door we came out of, and D'Ryus is picking off soldiers left right and center.

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