Chapter Two

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We were the New Order's select five. We were chosen for a special mission because of our military background and lack of resistance against the system. Really, we were just smart enough to keep our mouths shut. I guess they like that. Jace Aras is 42 years old, Nicholas Reed is 16 years old, D'Ryus Cesar is 20 years old, and Tauren Syrus is 26 years old. I am the only 18 year old and the only girl. They gave me the title of 'Group Leader'. Not sure why but I suppose during our two months of training, they liked what they saw. When we were given the symbols on our arms, we were administered a serum that allows us to see how dangerous a person is to the system according to the number plastered to their foreheads. Everyone should have a number. A few years back, the New Order got people together in squares, knocked them out with gas and shot them with another serum. However, we are the only ones that can see the numbers on their heads. These numbers on the people's head don't only act as a ranking system for us but as trackers and controlling chips. However, the New Order can't control those people over the number 7. So that's where we come in. Our job is to assassinate any person with a 7 or higher on their foreheads because the government can't control them when they need to. We also need to keep an eye out for those without ranks because a few people are known to have escaped.

Although, I never liked the idea of being an assassin, the man was right, things have gotten way to out of hand. The people need a governing voice. Often, they go around killing the 7+ themselves to gain the New Order's favor. It's sick. The world is cruel, and the people are messed up. Every person's genes were altered slightly twenty years ago. Now everyone has a certain special skill set. Some rage from mathematics to military. Those with the dangerous amounts of weaponry skills and combat, must be disposed of. They are the 7 and aboves, we can't control them. The time for war is over, the time for peace is here. The government might be hard on the people, but they have saved them all. I just wish we didn't have to kill people still. On the plus side though, me and the guys have been 'mentally connected' so we can talk telepathically all thanks to the serum. Everything is all thanks to the darn serum.


"Come on Nico," I say through a sigh, "You take forever."

"Has D'Ryus tracked any down?"

"Yeah! That's why you need to hurry up or I'm leaving without you."

I answer with the shuttles remote in my hand.

"You need me. Why else would they have picked a sixteen year old?"

I roll my eyes and watch as Nico slowly ties his boot laces, "For being the 'fastest' in the group, you really know how to take your time."

Nico finally jumps up and grabs his jacket lined with daggers and throwing knives.

"Okay, let's do this!"

I sigh again, grab Nico's hand, and hit the summon button on the remote. With a loud whooshing noise, we're sucked up into the craft.

"Bout' time." Tauren grumbles as he loads up his sniper on the bench.

Jace, my second in command, is in the cockpit steering the shuttle as D'Ryus looks over the master computer.

"Okay Jay, head forty klicks south. According to this picture @Leigha228 took two minutes ago, there is a man with an eight on his head in the background."

"Sure thing." He answers swinging the craft around.

I take a seat on the bench beside Nico and Tauren. Good thing we can see the numbers even through photos.

Weird to think where we are now compared to two months ago. I mumble into Nico's head.


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