Chapter Four

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Nico's POV

Watching Alexis kill that girl was the scariest thing I have ever seen. It wasn't like her at all. She looked possessed and the more they fought, the worse it got. I don't know what they did to her yesterday but it wasn't good. All the sick looking official told us was that we weren't allowed to ask her about yesterday or speak of the last two days. My best guess is brainwash and I'm sure that's what everyone else thinks as well.

Alexis hasn't said a word since she assassinated her neighbor. We have two more places to hit up tonight but I doubt she will be much help. She just sits vacantly. Right now she's staring out the window at nothing in particular. Hopefully, she's thinking about how terrible the deed she just committed is. I hate this whole assassins thing but I haven't told anyone that. I'm one of the few people in this world that knows how to keep their mouth shut. If I even said the tiniest thing that sounded like rebellion to them, they'd check to see where my allegiance lies and then I would die. I have been looking into ways I could get out of this but it's difficult because everyone hates us. Where would I go? I have heard rumors of an underground rebel group but I have yet to find out where they are. If they even exist. Although, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they do. This world is messed up, there has to be thousands of secret groups hiding out.

We arrive to our next destination and like I figured, Alexis stays with the shuttle. As me and the guys travel, we connect our minds so we can talk freely.

So... what do you think happened to Alexis?

Messed with her head no doubt. Tauren says, I've seen that faraway, vacant look in soldiers before, it's the product of torture and brainwash.

That's what I figured.

It's not right. I believe in justice but this doesn't feel like justice to me.

You're right D'Ryus, Says Jace, I'm finally starting to feel like myself again, and the more I do, the more I hate this.

So what are you guys thinking? I ask.

D'Ryus speaks up first, I'm thinking that I don't plan on doing their dirty work forever.

So what? You just leave all the people of this world to kill each other off while you hide? Tauren spits, I agree with not getting peace this way, but we can't just leave.

That's not what I meant, but I would if I had to. Start a family away from this chaos, somewhere safe as the people of this world kill each other off. Then we could start over.


There's a long pause before Jace speaks.

I think we need to get rid of the New Order and start a democracy.

How though? I ask feeling the despair, people have tried to overthrow them before.

I heard about this underground society but I haven't told anyone. Jace says.



Yeah, me too. So I'm not the only one that wants to stop this.

I say, we try to contact them but stay off the New Order's radar.

I don't know about this guys.

Come on Tauren, D'Ryus groans mentally, Think about what's best for the world. Have you seen Alexis? This is tearing her apart. She spoke up before so we know it's only a matter of time before she starts thinking rebelliously again.

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