Chapter One

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Alexis Berlin lay sprawled out on her living room floor, limbs in a tangled mess. Her blonde hair was dyed red from blood in some places and so was the carpet. Her eyes flickered back and forth beneath her lids. She was waking up.

My eyes sprung open in panic, what happened? I look around to find myself lying on the floor. I slowly push myself to a sitting position and look around the room. The atmosphere is cold and unwelcoming. I recognize this as my home, where I have lived since my parent's death. 2080, the year it all got a whole lot worse. I can remember my grandparents talking about the earlier 2000s and how nice everything was. It wasn't perfect, but it was enjoyable. Life now isn't so pleasant. I look down at my clothes and recognize my deep blue yoga pants and lighter blue tank top passed down through the women in my family. Written on it was, "2010, Vancouver, Whistler." With the old Olympics symbol. That game was put to an end years ago.

I suddenly feel a sharp sting on my right arm and look to see an odd symbol tattooed on the underside of my forearm. It was what looked kind of like a smudged butterfly all in black with a speck of red paint in the center. I instantly bring it to my center and caress it until the light throb goes away. Then I get up slowly as my head starts spinning and my legs threaten to give out. I grab the edge of the couch and straighten my back. I stand there until my vision clears and suddenly feel a weird sensation within me. It felt as if an invisible rope was tied to my waist pulling at me. I try to ignore it and make it to my kitchen where there is obvious signs of disturbance. A few of the pure white cabinet doors hang listlessly from their hinges and the marble floor has little pools of blood splattered around it. I bend down and pick up a discarded dagger with a pearl hilt. As I raise the blade, a single drop of the red liquid drops to the floor with a little splat. I freeze, unmoving, as the memories of some of last night's scuffle enter my mind. The New Order had sent officials to my home. They were clad completely in black. I couldn't even see their creepy faces under their black helmets. They tried to threaten me but there was nothing left they could take from me but my own life, which I no longer value. This world is sick. If I could chose a nice way out, I probably would. There have been multiple uprisings but they all failed. Nobody likes the New World Law Order. They do have a point though, the people of this world need a governing system. No more chaos, we need peace.

I eye my arm once more and feel the pull again. Maybe I should follow it? No way, what am I thinking? That's a stupid idea. I go to my marble sink and grip the edge of it. I need to find something to clean up the blood with. My mother would not have approved of the blood in the carpet. If she were here, she would say, 'Now Alexis, you clean that up right now!' but she's not. She went and got herself killed in a rebellion. That's why I believe the only way to peace now is not fighting each other but raising up a government with authoritative power. Although, I don't like the New Order much. They kill without reason often and place strict rules that have seemingly no reason. The pull within me gets stronger. I'm going to die if I don't follow it.

I shake that notion out of my head and grab a pristine white cloth from beneath the sink and run it under cold water. Then I carry it to the living room as it drips all over the floor leaving a trail behind me. I sink to my knees and dab at the blood splotches. They don't come out. They're too old. You can't clean out blood stains, you have to get it out while it's still fresh. I scrub harder and harder, my mother would have wanted me to. I can feel the anger coursing through my veins and I hurl the cloth at the wall in frustration. This will never work. So I get up and go to my room where I get dressed into my old black military garb and strap a few daggers to my thighs and pull on my heavy duty boots. I will follow the pull. No sense in staying in this place.

There are constant fights going down at this part of New Vancouver and I don't want any part in it. That's why half the houses around here have been bombed, it's the way the new government teaches us a lesson. They broke into my home to tattoo my arm somethings up. I know they want me for something. So I had better figure out what. I hear a crunch behind me and spin around to see my neighbor and friend, Kelly. She tries to give me a small smile but I don't return it. I'm too busy looking at the number 7 painted in red on her forehead. Strange. I turn back around and stalk after the pull, feeling it loosen with each step.

I travel easily, taking all the back alleys and all the shortcuts until I feel the pull stop. This is where I'm meant to be, but why? I stand alone looking at the little clearing amongst the rubble. All the old city has fallen. There are three new towers on the other side of town where the higher arch's reside. There they have a small city called the New Vancouver. Out here is typically called the Old Vancouver where the world has become dull and strict. They have small homes, completely white. Rules and curfews that keep the children from having much fun. There are other big cities still standing today. Ours is one of the worse off ones.

I stand there looking around for about two minutes before I hear someone approaching. I turn to see a young man around my age coming from the direction that I did. He has short stylized brown hair and blazingly green eyes. I watch him carefully as he walks up to me and stops a few feet away. Me, only being around 5"5 only reaches up to his collarbone.

"Um... hi." I say nervously.

The boy studies me with serious eyes that seem to carry a hint of amusement.

"Who are you?" He questions.


Before I can answer, two more guys approach from behind. One of which has lengthy black hair with silver streaks pulled into a man bun. The other is much younger than him with dark eyes and hair. They stop once they have come within a few feet and we all turn and watch as yet another young man comes from the west. This new guy is built like a soldier, buff. Pretty soon, all five people are standing in a circle, confused.

"So...." Begins the youngest guy.

That's when I realize the four guys also have symbols on their arms but each is different. The guys follow my stare and the whole group eyes each other's arms carefully.

"Was everyone else lead here mysteriously?" I blurt out.

They all look at each other for a second, "Yes." They say in unison.

"Well, I'm Alexis Berlin, what are your names?"

The cute guy that came from my direction speaks first, "D'Ryus Cesar."

"Tauren Syrus." Says the buff guys with a nod of his head.

"I'm Jace Aras but you can call me, Jay." The older man answers and then they all look to the youngest.

"Oh! Sorry, Nicholas Reed, at your service." He says cockily with a little bow.

"Ah, so you all made it?"

The five of us watch as a government official approaches our group. He's a tall skinny man, with greying hair, and a sick look about him. All members of our group frown slightly at him.

"And you are?" Asks Tauren.

"I am the reason you are here Mr.Syrus," He begins, "Now you all must be curious about the symbols on your arms."


SO as I said, I am dividing the story into chapter so don't be alarmed:D This will make it easier for future readers to actually read and remember their place! 

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