Letter 22- someone you want to give a second chance to

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Hey you,

Well what can I say, we’re family and we’ve only known for the best part of two years. We were friends before we found out and then we got closer as the year went on…

But suddenly things change… you start dating my Bestfriend.

Here’s the thing… I don’t like how you treat lads as if there an object… does that make sense?

Like the one time I liked a guy you did and when I told you about it, you told me I could have him that you were over him or something stupid like that…

The fact is I feel like you’re pulling my friend away from me I haven’t spoken to him in what feels like months I haven’t seen him in weeks. But you see him everyday. Yes, he’s your boyfriend and I have to accept that but the fact of the matter is I can’t and I find it hard to. When ever I hang around with you two I’m just a third wheel all you guys do is kiss and talk to one another and I’m left out of the conversation…

I do want to give you a second chance since your family… you know how I am if I don’t like something I’ll make it obvious. I have told you plenty of times that I don’t like your relationship but, hey! You two are still together and there’s nothing I can do about it… I’ll make new friends and I have other friends… but none of them will be like Matt… I guess this is it.

I’ll try and pretend that I like your relationship but I can’t promise I’ll always keep the act up… I may get pissed of with you about it but hey! That’s just me.


Your cousin


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