Letter 4-Your Sibling

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Hey Monkey,

I almost lost you… I never want to go through the fear of that again I can’t believe I almost lost my one truly Bestfriend. Yer me and you argue loads but I honestly don’t know what I would do without you I mean you always tell me your useless and I shouldn’t pay attention to anything you do… but honestly you are the biggest inspiration I have on this dreary place we call earth… we have amazing conversations about music and TV shows we both use to love when we were little.

Your friends are like extra big brothers for me and I love how you constantly tell them to protect us and look out for me and ‘little donkey’ even though you think we don’t know we always have…

You may not show that you care about us but we both know you do…

You’re the only one who is allowed to pick me up no matter what I don’t know where the fear came from but its there and I can’t do anything to stop it but hey it’s something we both share.

I don’t really know who I was before year 7 until secondary school came along I was no one but guess what I found me… somewhere along the lines I found me and guess who helped… yep that’s right you!

You introduced me to loads of amazing stuff like my favourite band… All Time Low… all my t-shirts are black and well I get that from you… yer you could call us both Goths or emos and we’ll turn around and be like yer so what but we have our own style and well we rock like chicken balls J

I could have a whole paragraph here about how I don’t like your girlfriend but hey I wouldn’t be telling you anything new since you know I don’t like her but if being with her makes you happy who am I to stop you… but wearing chinos should not make you happy burn the stupid trousers now…….

You: if you get bitten by a ginger what happens

Me: You turn into a ginger

Me and you: *Burst out laughing for about 20 minuets*

Has to be one of the greatest moments of all time!

Hey guess what…. I Love You.


Your idiotic baby sister


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