Letter 7-Your Ex- Boyfriend/Girlfriend

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Hey you,

I remember the time I first met you, you were my cousin’s boyfriend. Even then I had a crush on you. Just the way you wouldn’t look at anyone else when you were going out with my cousin was really sweet and then we started going out and you did the same with me… the way you looked at me had me going weak at the knees… your eyes are like the most amazing thing I think I’ve ever seen J

You know most things about me in fact you’re the first person to know almost everything about me in such little time, I mean you know my deepest fears you know my deepest secrets and you know how cheesy I can be….

I was with you for 5 and a half months and well even though I ended our relationship for the reasons only you need to know… I also ended it because I’m scared of commitment and well you know me I run of when it comes to things like that. When I get scared I stop and turn around. Like most people I guess.

I do hope you’ve moved on and not still waiting for me to run back to you I know I said we could try again when I was older or when I got my self better but… I don’t want to be the reason you can’t have your self a wonderful girlfriend who can make you so happy or make you feel like I made you feel….

I guess what I’m trying to say is I want you to be happy without me in your life I mean I run away from things I’m scared of I always have and I probably always will until I manage to control that fear I guess it means no more relationships for me just crushes and well I guess there’s always spin the bottle or strip twister :P

Oh did I forget to mention our funniest memories like 28 days around the world or that you can’t eat with your mouthful or the time you got dared to kiss my brother J

I’ll miss you


Your little Memory


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