Author's note

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*Author's note*

Well hey guys I know this took me so long to write but I was really stuck with who to write letter 28 for. It took me this long to think of somebody and I'm glad its Alex I wrote about.

Doing the letters has helped me a lot, I now see why I don't have many friends. It also made me realise I don't need anymore, I mean I love making new friends but the few I have are so special to me. I wouldn't change them for anything.

In a weird way it helped me remember who I was and how much I've changed from being little, how much I need to change in order to get what I want.

I guess this is it.

I hope you enjoyed reading my letters.

If you need to talk, then please inbox me I will relpy no matter how weird or strange or even normal the inbox I will reply to it.


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