Letter 20- The one who broke your heart the hardest.

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Hey Future Heartbreak,

If you broke my heart you must have been some dude, I mean first you had to accept the fact that I have really bad trust issues, then you would have to accept me for who I am and be your self around me. You would have had to have my families approval, no matter what they would be the things that would be important to me.

If you passed all of this then you would have to teach me how to Love and make me actually believe in the damn thing. I mean yeah I’ve seen love I see it in the way my parents look at each other and the way my cousin looks at her boyfriend and beautiful baby boy.

But just because you see something doesn’t mean you have to believe in it. I see the stars and moon every night but it doesn’t mean I believe that one day I will see a shooting star and everything will be great from that wish.

I guess what I really mean is that if you managed to break my heart it was probably my fault to begin with, I’m a handful and cause so many problems for people.

I’m to honest that it hurts people. I’m a bitch. I have trust issues. I hate the word love. I hate my blonde hair. I hate being called cute. But mostly I hate that you broke my heart. 


Your Old Lover


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