Letter 30- Your reflection in the mirror

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Hey reflection,

What am I suppose to say? Right now I see a girl with Purple hair up in a slip, Headphones on, an eyebrow piercing and half done make up.

Your eyes keep me looking at you. It sounds creepy but my eyes change that many colours I constantly get lost in the colours. At the moment there dark green which probably means I'm annoyed, I guess I am a little but.

You have a nice body, I'm proud, lets see... You have a normal shaped head, Lanky legs, a small body, a nice six pack, nice sized boobs and a big arse! Well according to my mum I have a big arse.

The one thing I ask is that if you ever change, then change two things for me, can you do that? Start to believe in Love even if it hurts, believe in it, Beth thinks its magical, how two people could be meant for each other, how you can be lost in someones eyes, smell and even voice. The other thing is trust someone, trust Bethany. She may have hurt us once but I don't think she'll do it again.

That's what I miss, trusting people, I can see how much pain you're in bottling things up but then again maybe I'm looking for the pain, other people wont be.

Just do them two things for me and I'll be happy.


Your reflection


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