Letter 9- Someone you wish you could meet

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Hey Grand-dad,

Well what can I say I never met you before you passed away you were gone before I was born, but even though I never met you. I miss you.

Mum and Dad talk about you all the time, your memories still live on through them and it will live on through Me, Ashleigh and David. David wishes the most that he could have met you. You’re everything to him. Every Christmas he asks Dad if he can go down to Martin with him and Dave to put your wreath up.

I hope you’re looking after our dogs.

I love Martin. The way it is surrounded my trees and it’s impossible to find. If I knew where it was I would go up there all the time. When I’m older I will ask if Dad will show me where it is and then I will be able to come and see you all the time.

The river your ashes were scattered in is gorgeous and well you could be anywhere now. I think that’s what I want to do be cremated and have my ashes put in a river, that way I kind of get to travel the world because the river would take me anywhere.

Dad tells us stories about you all the time, about how you loved Gardening and would tell him of when he and Dave were naughty. The stories that Dad tells never get old he could tell us the same story over and over again and it would never bore any of us.

We all miss and Love you Grand-dad and we never even met you.


Your Granddaughter


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