Chapter Ten

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"I think that's quite enough," I said to him instead, biting my tongue to stop myself blurting out what my mind had initially thought, and I wrapped my fingers around the handle of the basket as he gave it back to me.

As I was waiting in the queue which was rather lengthy, I placed the basket between my two feet, allowing my arms to restore its energy in order to be able to carry these groceries back home.

He gave me a smile that only an angel could've designed, and instantly that made me melt inside. I, however, seemed to maintain my composure despite the zoo he had released in the pit of my stomach instead of mere butterflies. After his bright grin, his body turned in the opposite direction as he began walking away. I let out a brief sigh, not of relief but a little sorrow. I should've known that this was as far as it would ever get with such a Greek God as himself and a Geek, odd girl as myself.

However, as though the angels above had been watching my every move, had taken pity in me and spontaneously decided to twist my fate, he turned right back around and stood in front of me once again.

"If I kept walking," he started to say to me, "I think I would've made one of the worst decisions of my life."

My cheeks flared with such a bright shade of red, that it would make fire jealous. And coincidently enough, I could also feel the very fibres of my being burning up too. His words could have been extracted from the most corniest chick flick of all time. Nevertheless, it made me swoon, and made me mentally apologise for bad mouthing Nicholas Sparks for giving all women of society false hope, because sweet men do exist in reality sometimes and not dreams. I wanted to pinch myself, but it was hopeless, I could have never assembled a human being so physically perfect in my own dreams.

"Really?" Was all that my mouth was able to say after I had to pick my jaw up from the floor.

He ran five fingers through his hair, and each strand fell messily but created such a sexy look. How was hair even capable of doing that? Mine certainly never did. Please take notes, I begged my own head of boring hair.

"Really," he assured me, and I trusted this handsome stranger. I wasn't sure why because usually, I failed to even trust myself.

"Could I get your name?" He politely asked me.

The queue hurried a little, so I moved my basket, with my feet, farther along. Whilst doing so, I never left his gaze. It was hypnotic, and indefinitely addictive.

"I'm Alexa," I replied to him.

I never really liked my name, but the way he smiled after I said it made me thank my parents for ever thinking it was a great idea.

"Mine is Zach," he said back to me.

His parents must've already known when he was a little baby that he would grow into such a sexy man because they strangely enough labelled him with an equally sexy name.

"Nice to meet you," I held out a hand for him to shake.

It was quite an awkward gesture for me to do, I thought, seeing as most job interviewees do this during the first five minutes with the boss. I felt as though I had slightly ruined the romantic tension between us, which made me mentally kick myself. However, he wrapped his fingers around my hand and took it to his mouth. Gently, he pressed the surface of my hands against the soft smoothness of his lips. After realising what was going on, I reached a temperature that could only heat up a replica of planet earth.

"The pleasure is all mine."

And with that, he turned the romantic tension up a few 1000 notches.

"I was wondering," his voice said in a low murmur.

Raising my eyebrows in my own wonder, I awaited what his choice of words would be. Just then, I felt the nudge of a woman in front of me. Turning my head to see whoever could have the audacity to ruin such a perfect scene, I saw an old lady of maybe 50 signal to me that the line had moved along. She was quite a distance away from me, so I kicked the basket until I was closer. I turned my head right back around and saw Zach standing there, all perfect and dream like.

"Maybe I could take you out for a date?"

It was crazy to think that those 9 words assembled in that particular order could make me smile so much, though it confused me more. Why would he possibly want me to accompany him on a date? Was he not aware that much more attractive girls with clear skin and blonde hair and tall figures and smaller waists walk this earth whom mostly gladly wouldn't mind being arm candy.

Despite the fact that I would most probably look like his younger sister, and people would think him to be an idiot after discovering that I was in fact his date, I would be more of an idiot if I didn't say yes. After all, who cares about the perceptions of other people? As long as this was real life and he wasn't paid to say these things to me, I won't certainly mind going on a date with Mr James Bond himself.

"Of course," I replied, which maybe I shouldn't have said, I mean didn't it make me seem a bit desperate?

However, his mouth formed a smile which made me relax. His hand, the same one which helped my own feel the warmth of his lips, reached into his pocket and grabbed a piece of paper and a small pen. He gave both items to me, and I wrote my number down on it, making sure that each letter was beautifully written. Hopefully, when he realises that I'm no special, he can look at my handwriting and applaud me for that.

"Perfect," was the last thing he said to me as he turned around and headed for the exit of the supermarket.

Even though I expected maybe a good bye or a see you later, I knew I shouldn't be so needy seeing as he did ask for my number and I would be going on a date with him sometime soon.

After paying for my groceries and collecting the items into plastic bags for me to carry, I headed to my car with an uplifted spring to each step. I couldn't deny the happiness I felt, and any worry in my mind had been erased. I had never been approached to like that ever before, and even though it made me endlessly wonder what he possibly saw in me, there must've been something special he saw which made him take the time out of his life to talk to me. And that made me glad, not only happy, that another human being appreciated me. For once.

I drove back home and reached the door where I grabbed the keys from my pocket to unlock the door. I walked into the kitchen and heard a loud voice beckon my name.

"What?!" I screamed back.

"Is that you?" Jackson shrieked.

"No, it's the burglars ready to take all of your stuff. But first, I'd like to drop off a few groceries."

I shook my head in disbelief and my utter shock at how much common sense this boy lacked. Taking the food out of the plastic bags, I began storing the items into the cupboards they belonged in. I left some fruit to the side of the counter which I would chop up and make a nice fruit salad with in order to quench my hunger. Well, our hunger seeing as I wasn't technically the only walking stomach in this house.

Talking of walking stomachs, Jackson peered from the door, "What did you buy?"

"Stuff," I said back to him.

With the help of his crutches, he limped next to me as he eagerly watched me take food out of each bag. I came across my batch of apples, the Red Delicious ones, and as I took one out, I was instantly reminded of my experience with the Greek God at the supermarket. This apple, I thought, was my hero as it aquatinted me with my ideal man. I let out a huge grin, and it seemed to be highly evident as Jacksons face twisted slightly in confusion.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked me, his dark eyebrows raised in bewilderment.

"Believe it or not," I replied, "I have a date."

His expression dropped to the floor and left his entire face. He was definitely shocked, but I wondered why his expression took it to such an extent. That was what baffled me.

"Oh," was all that he answered me with.


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