Chapter One.

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If I were the president of the world, in reality, not inside my dreams this time, I would give everybody a 6 month holiday. Twice a year. No, actually forget everybody else, that rule would just apply to me. That'd be some life I'd be living. But of course, my imagination is always wilder than my life, and that is why it is my escape route whenever I am stuck inside a confined place where I feel miserable, by myself, and surrounded by idiots.

Right now would be a great example.

"Alexa, I really hope you're listening." A voice beckoned my name, and my head shot up like a dog looking for a stick which had just been thrown up into the air.

I realized that I wasn't only daydreaming, but I had drifted off into a deep sleep. This is a level I have never reached before in class, I thought, almost laughing to myself whilst in realization that if I was sent to hell suddenly, it would take me 5 days to realize that I wasn't still in school.

"Do you understand what I am giving up my time to teach you?" Mr Baker barked.

"I understand" I replied, folding my arms on the desk, giving him my devoted attention. "I just don't care."

His already bright crimson face beamed, imitating an image of lava. The tips of his ear flapped, and I wondered whether he would fly away with those. A part of me died when he was still standing there in front of my desk, hands on his muffin-topped hips, and a glare which could cut through titanium.

You know what comes next, right? If not, you should really get back to reading those chick flick fantasies about the relationship between a student and a teacher. They really fill it to the brim with these kind of moments. And so does my life.

"Get out of my classroom and think about a good apology whilst you're at it." He remarked sternly, but if he really thought he could take charge of me like that, he had another thing coming.

"The only thing I'm apologizing to is my brain for forcing it to put up with you almost everyday." I replied, quiet enough for it to not be judged as abuse, but loud enough for it to be heard.

A section of the class burst out in uncontrollable giggles, whilst another section sat there in shock, but I was sure that the entire classroom, and I could tell that their beaming eyes were giving me silent thanks and applause for the interesting show. Episode 2 will be rolling in just a sec, folks!

"How dare you speak to me like that!" He babbled on, taking the entire fireball of amusement into the hall's of the corridor.

But to think they would've learned their lesson already by now when it comes to people like me. Yes, we know who you are. Yes, you are a teacher. Yes, you have given up so much of your considerably precious lives to teach us. Yes, you don't get paid enough for this job. And yes, I will go make my way to the principal's office.

I can't remember how many times I have walked this corridor, all alone. Well, I was always accompanied by my remembrance of the argument I had previously with whichever teacher I had pissed off. That kept me entertained throughout the journey.

The office was quite a distance away, and my body was already starting to sweat. I was seriously allergic to exercise. I go all red, it gets hard to breathe and I release a lot of weird, sticky sweat from my armpits. But that pain can easily be tamed with some chocolate.

I had finally reached the destination.

If Mrs Harper was given a nickel for every time I had been sent to her office, she'd be too rich to be handling a school full of idiots. But unfortunately, I do not have a wishing-well anywhere nearby, so her normal paying wage will have to do for the meantime.

"If I had a nickel every time I saw you in here" Mrs Harper immediately heaved.

And before I could take the moment to stand there, open mouthed in shock, she said "So, who is it this time? Mrs Wright? Ms Kirk? Mr Fielding?"

"Think more along the lines of spotted ties, and a receding hairline" I suggested.

"Mr Baker?"


I spent a good half an hour in that office conversing about my behaviour, and the last 2 minutes we spent talking about my hopes and dreams. But Mrs Harper was cool, she respected me for some strange reason I have always had trouble finding, and she never judged me. Maybe it was the fact that we both shared a deep and undying love for Nirvana, but I could say she understood me.

She's never told me to stay away, but instead come as you are; she saw the light in my teen spirit.

The clock above her wooden desk declared 3:30 and I swear, a choir just sang the chorus of Hallelujah in my head. Mrs Harper could obviously read the euphoric happiness displaying on my face, as she smiled at me and nodded, indicating to me that I was a free woman! Oh, there goes another chorus.

I bid her a happy summer, before I went off to collect the remains of my home work and clothes in my locker. I saw the usual preppy, popular girls hugging each other, tears running from their mascared-on eyelashes, which from where I was standing, looked as if they sacrificed two poor spiders, and super glued it onto their eyelids.

A close mate of mine peeped up behind me, and I fist bumped him before doing the typical sailor hand gesture and saying "Later, dude."

 I let out a long sigh, and this was the first time I had genuinly smiled whilst I was in school. Why could that be? Oh that's right, school's out for the summer.

Going to retrieve my car from where I had last parked it, I was ready to go home, and never come back. Well, that is until hell starts all over again. But I have a whole month to prepare myself for that.

Clicking the button, my Audi A3 - it's glistening red glowing in the bright sun - beeped. Buckling my body up with the seatbelt, I inserted the key into ignition and drove myself off into the road, but there was something blocking my way to the pedal down below. I reached down, but my right foot stepped onto the acceleration, hard.

I heard a loud thud. Oh, no, oh no, oh no, I repeated, countless times. Clasping my two hands together, I suddenly turned into a religious person. Swiftly, I got out of the car and rushed to the front of my car.


There lay a body right on the pavement. I glanced around to be sure that nobody else had seen it. The area was empty. I had turned a corner, and I thanked my lucky stars that I hadn't hit him in the parking lot, the whole school were huddled there like herds of sheep.

But my stars didn't prove to be that lucky as I couldn't even get home without doing something wrong. I crouched down, and poked the body. What the hell am I supposed to do? Getting a bit too dizzy with anxious thoughts, I started rubbing at my throbbing head hoping to tame the ache.

The body moved.


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