This One Isn't A Filler Chapter, Kids

Start from the beginning

"That's the problem. I have no idea what to do. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I have three options and someone gets hurt in each of them. Keep going out with the original, give the new guy a chance, or reject both of them. No matter what I do it doesn't end well."

Celia stayed silent for a moment before speaking again, "At this point I think it really goes down to who you want to be with, Jade. Do what you think is best for you and don't worry about everyone else."

This was the most real and sensible thing I'd ever heard her say. I honestly was expecting her to say 'go with who ever is better looking' (not like that makes the choice easier), 'Thanks, Cece. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Alright, girl. Go get you a man!"

With that she hung up. Leaving me examine my conscious and sink into the depths of my soul alone.

They all sat in a circle with me on the floor in the living room. I had decided early this morning that although this was an issue between Hyungwon, Wonho, and I, I would include them all. It simply seemed unfair to leave them out of the conversation they had been waiting patiently to see the end of. Because I had in fact finally made a decision.

Early that morning . . .

I wanted to make a list of my pros and cons, so that I'd be able to at least organize my feelings about this mess. I started with Wonho. Pros: he's sweet and caring, fun to be around, goodlooking, etc. Now onto the cons: he's jealous, he hurts me constantly, we were very rushed, he's a superstar and sasaengs will attempt murder, he doesn't do long distance, etc. It saddened me as I looked down at the paper, I had had so much trouble trying to come up with positive attributes to our relationship, and yet it was easy as pie to think of all the things that made me feel like we weren't worth it.

I moved on to Hyungwon. Pros: he's amazingly kind, he's patient, goodlooking, never hurts me, I love spending time with him, he initiated long distance relationship with that video call all those months ago, and many more. The cons . . . I couldn't think of any. Of course there was the given cons for both of them such as sasaengs and distance, but Hyungwon had so much more going for him. That is how I made my final judgement.

Current time

"What is this about, Jade?" Asked Cade, looking at me more seriously than he had in quite a while.

I gave a soft smile and directed my attention back to all of them, "I'm almost certain you all know about the stupid love triangle that was going on?" They nodded hesitantly, "Well I've gathered us all here so we can end it in peace," they nodded again, "Before I tell you my choice I'd like to let you know that my relationship with Wonho is something I'll always treasure and I really loved him with all my heart."

They stayed silent for several minutes while Wonho and Hyungwon looked at each other with nostalgia obvious in their gazes. Eventually, Wonho turned toward me to speak with his eyes downcast, "I'm honored to have been part of your life, Jade. I really am. And I'm sorry to have had to end things with you so quickly. I loved you too. I'm just not sure if we'll ever be able to work out together."

Hyungwon's eyes narrows when I sighed, and I felt bad for what I was putting them through. It's been days since Wonho and I broke up and since I was asked to make a decision. Obviously, a few days isn't a ton of time to me who was supposed to make up their mind, but to the people waiting it probably seemed like years.

"I just have one more thing to say and then we can move onto the final choice," I mumbled nervously, "Hyungwon. I really really thought of you as an important friend. You've been unconditionally kind to me, and I honestly had no idea you liked me. Hyungwon, you have an amazing personality. You're smart, kind, funny, talented, and many more. I'm not sure if I've ever looked at you in that way. I'm not certain I feel that way about you."

He nodded solemnly. At this point it was probably difficult for them to figure out who I was going to choose. Shownu and Kihyun looked at each other with earnest faces, as if making a silent agreement. Jooheon, Changkyun, and Minhyuk were all staring at me. It was almost an unbearable silence.

"I think it'd be best if we leave," Minhyuk stated, "You know . . . to give them some privacy."

The rest of the members (plus Cade) nodded and followed him out of the room. This left me alone with the completing sides of my love triangle.

"Who is it, Jade?" Hyungwon asked me while looking me directly in the eye.

"Let's have a group hug and then I'll tell you," I said.

I was putting it off. I knew that, but it was so hard for me to think that I'd be hurting one of them in only meer seconds. The boys gave me a questioning look and came toward me, putting both their pairs of arms around my waist. Hyungwon buried his face in my dark hair and sighed. Tingles were sent down my spine as I remembered the kiss we had previously shared. On the other hand, Wonho has only slightly squeezed my waist. A wet sensation can be felt on my shoulder, I know he's crying. It breaks my heart to see him like this, but I have to proceed. I have to.

They both pull away and I simultaneously sit back on my hands, "Hyungwon . . . I'd like to give you a chance."

The look in Wonho's eyes is too unbearable for me to take. Sad and broken. He walks out of the room slowly and out onto the balcony. Hyungwon gives me a soft smile before following Wonho. I can only hope that their friendship won't be affected by this.

Third Person P.O.V.

The two men stand side by side leaning over the edge of the small balcony. Hyungwon turns to the elder with a look of concern gracing his features. Wonho puts his head in his hands and laughs lightly. It makes the situation seem several times worse.

"What have I done?" He says as he laughs even more, "I should have been understanding of you, Hyungwon!"

His shouting surprises Hyungwon and he widens his eyes, "Will this . . . hurt us?"

Wonho looks to Hyungwon with sorrowful eyes, "How can I watch you with her and be okay, Hyungwonnie? How could I possibly be okay? I just . . . I don't know if this will effect us or not. I don't want things to change, but in what world could we stay the same?"

Wonho starts to walk away and the younger rushes to stop him, grabbing his arm, "Hyung-"

He holds up his hand, "I'll see you in the morning, Hyungwon."

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