Chapter 3- Goodbye

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After fifteen minutes of driving, I reached Na Enterprise Holdings Inc. I parked right next to Jaemin's car. I was greeted by the securities at the entrance. The office was quite empty since it was a Sunday. I went up to Jisoo, the receptionist.

''Good afternoon, Jisoo." I greeted her.

"Good afternoon ma'am, Mr. Na is in his office. Should I apprise him that you've come?"

"No, that's okay."

"Should I ask someone to accompany you to his office?"

"No, I can go by myself. Thank you Jisoo." I said politely. She nodded with a smile.

I took the elevator up to the nineteenth floor where Jaemin's office was situated. No one was on this floor, and his office doors were slightly opened.

I took a deep breath as I felt the butterflies in my stomach. Would he be happy that I'm pregnant? He's been so distant and scary lately, I hope my sudden appearance here wouldn't anger him.

I slowly walked towards the door and peeped in to see if he was there.

But, what I saw, shattered my heart in just one second.

There he was, on the black leather sofa, shirtless with a half naked woman on top of him. His hands were on her arms and her hair was like a barrier from me seeing his face. He didn't even push her away. Without sparing another glance at the awful sight of my husband cheating on me, I ran to the elevator and pressed the button to the basement. I quickly got into my car and drove away, cry tears of fury and frustration. So that's why he's been so cold and distant? That's why he wouldn't talk to me, or even touch me. He had someone already. I never expected this from Jaemin. I knew him since I was four years old and he was never the type to cheat, but I guess I was erroneous.

At the signal, I called my family lawyer. "Mr. Jeon, this is Naru. I'd like to file for a divorce. Please send me the papers by two in the afternoon."

"Alright, may I ask why?"

"Jaemin cheated on me. Please don't let my parents or other family members know. I'm trusting you with this. I'm only going to let Nori know."

"Okay, I will send the papers."

"Thank you so much." I said with a shaky voice and hung up.


As soon as I reached home, I booked the nearest flight for Shanghai, which was fortunately in two hours. Both of my best friends were currently living there so I wouldn't have much problem trying to find a place there. I took three large suitcases and filled them with all my clothes, makeup, shoes and other salient things. I quickly wrote a letter for Jaemin.

By the time you read this, I'd already be at my destination. I really don't know where I went wrong for you to cheat on me. Why wasn't I enough? I know now why you've changed towards me. I hope you're happy with her. I've signed the divorce papers. I won't interfere in your life again. I'm sorry, and I wish you all the best for your future. Goodbye, Jaemin.
-Choi Naru.

I wiped the tears off my face. The door bell rang. I was hoping that it wasn't Jaemin. I slowly opened the door. A man was standing there with a brown packet in his hands.

"Good afternoon ma'am. Mr. Jeon sent me to give you this." He said, handing over the papers to me. I thanked him before he left.

I pulled the divorce papers out and signed them, leaving it on the dinning table with the letter I just wrote.

I wore my mask and called a taxi. The drive seemed longer than I expected. I was a broken mess. There were tear stains on my face and my hair was messy. I looked terrible. I finally reached the airport and placed my suitcases in the cart. I had half an hour left before boarding.

After the security checks, I had just ten minutes left to board the plane. I quickly called my sister.

"Hello?" She answered cheerfully.

"Nori... Please take care of yourself. Be good and study well. I will come to see you soon."

"What? What are you talking about? Why did you sound so sad? What happened, Naru?"

"I-I'm leaving Korea. Please don't tell Mom and Dad."


"Jaemin is cheating on me. I saw him with another woman in his office."

"What? He would never do that! I'm sure it's a misunderstanding."

"No Nori, she was half naked and he was shirtless. They were making out on the sofa. He's also been so cold and distant from me. This was the reason why."

"Oh. But where are you going?"

"Shanghai. I'll be with Eunyeon and Taeyong. I promise to call you once I get my new number."

"Okay, please take care yourself."

"I will, and Nori?"


"I'm," I took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

"What!? Does he know?!" She yelled.

"No, I was going to tell him, but I saw him cheating. I'm not letting my child anywhere near him." I said sadly and furiously.

"Passengers flying to Shanghai from flight number 789, your plane is ready for boarding." I heard the flight attendant announce.

"Nori, I have to board now. Take care, I love you." I said weakly.

"Be safe and take care. I love you too. Bye, Naru." She said. I knew she was crying.

"Bye, Nori."

End of chapter 3.
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