Kate: how'd you find out he confessed while you were drunk?

Cyryn: well let's just say it took some threats *looks to corbyn* but it was the day after we stopped Jonah from getting in the plane.

Jonah: I wasn't actually gonna get in the plane

Cyryn: oh yes you were. We saved you. No arguing.

*they all laugh while Jonah smirks and stares at his girlfriend in awe*

Corbyn: well Corbyn doesn't really change that much, he finds some courage he didn't know he had and he uses that to fight Jonah and the others for beating up Cyryn. Cyryn really was like his sister, ever since Ashley died Corbyn had this...this hole in his heart. Cyryn filled that hole in. I guess throughout the chapters you can see Corbyn starting to love again and really step up into that brotherly position.

Christina: well Christina doesn't have a story like theirs, she was just brought about in the last ten chapters or so. But she did move from New York to a small house in town, her mom did in fact come with her. She was going to stay with Christina until she was 18 and then her mom was going to go back to New York. Cyryn is Christina's best girl friend, they met at an awkward time. Corbyn was just about to take Christina to Jonah's house to meet Cyryn and Jonah when they all had to pile in the car to go help her with a horse. So the first time they met Cyryn was covered in horse blood and a worried look, she was focused on the injured horse and I think that's what instantly made Christina like Cyryn.

Kate: wow, you guys are all pretty unique then. It's amazing how you all met and still stayed friends throughout that time period. Another question is, what's an example of a mistake you've made? How did you overcome it?

Cyryn: I would say...pushing Jonah away when I needed a friend the most. You've gotta remember the whole school hated me so I was in desperate need for a pal. Luckily for me jonah didn't give up too easily so it was easy to overcome that mistake.

Jonah: bullying Cyryn. Instead of figuring out why she wanted to be alone so much I turned towards making her life hell until she gave in. She is a tough one so I had enough time to figure out what I was doing wrong and how to fix it before it was too late.

Corbyn: ...hmm...well in the chapters 'Scars' and 'Blocked' you can see where I made a mistake. When Jonah and the other showed up at my house I didn't warn Cyryn. I knew warning her would've been the right thing to do but part of me wanted them to hurry up and become friends. But Cyryn almost got hurt and she lost all trust in me. I overcame that mistake by saving her and punching the shit out-

Cyryn: language

Corbyn: sorry gosh!! I punched the CRAP out of Jonah and a few lunches to the others.

Christina: my mistake is not meeting the these people sooner!! Haha

Kate: haha, well you haven't really had to overcome any mistakes Christina. But that's okay.

Christina: phew haha

Kate: well that's all for you guys! I've had a blast with the four of you and I'm sad to say this is our last interview together. Maybe we'll run into each other sometime.

Jonah: yeah, you're one of my favorite interviewers

Cyryn: yeah you're so easy to talk to and get along with

*they all laugh and agree*

*the cast stands to leave*
Kate: well bye guys, I'll see you soon!!
*they wave and walk out*

Announcement: please welcome the guest stars!! Shannon Campbell, Sawyer Dayz and Sydney Harper!!

*they all walk out and sit down on the couch*

BULLIED//Jonah Marais//COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ