25. Corbyn Deserves Better

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Cyryns P.O.V.
I woke up and rolled over to look at my clock, 6:09. Well I still have a while before school starts. I have to leave here by 7:15 to make it there in time so I'm fine.

I tried to go back to sleep but then realized it was useless

I went downstairs and started making a bowl of cereal.


🌾Sawyer🌾: don't forget ab our date
tonight. Wear something casual like
jeans and a flannel ;)

Cyryn🎤: okayyyy, if you say so

🌾Sawyer🌾: don't worry, you'll like it.

Cyryn🎤: I'm trusting you

🌾Sawyer🌾: well I just hope you
always trust me. I have to go, I'll see
you tonight beautiful :)

Cyryn🎤: see ya handsome  (:

I smiled as I finished my breakfast. The past few days at school have been okay.

So update, over the past few days Jonah hasn't really bullied me but we aren't friends either. We don't talk at all but i'll occasionally catch him glancing my way every once in a while.

Liam hasn't been at school since Wednesday and neither has Shannon. Which is a little weird. I have come to the conclusion that she and Jonah broke up.

And that's all I've got for an update right now...

I made my way to Corbyn's house since he was gonna give me a ride today. As I walked up his driveway I noticed another car.


I've never seen that one before.

I just walked into his house like I normally do when I heard yelling

"Oh yeah well if you don't like the food I bought then why don't you leave again because that's one thing you're good at!!" Corbyn. Oh no.

I ran into the kitchen to see it was a disaster.

There was food thrown everywhere, broken dishes, the cabinets were open, there were empty food boxes everywhere and the fridge was open with stuff pouring out of it.

And in the center of it all there was a furious Corbyn and an older man. And to the side was a woman dumping some fruit loops on the floor.

"What the hell is that thing?" The woman yelled pointing at me

"That thing is my best friend. She's been there when you two were across the world partying. And that thing is more family to me than you'll ever be now get the hell outta my house!!!" Corbyn yelled placing himself between me and the angry partners in crime.

His dad took a step and punched him "you don't talk to my wife like that"

Corbyn quickly stood up and adjusted his rings.

No, this'll only make it worse

He pulled back

BULLIED//Jonah Marais//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now