Chapter 16

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Harry gaped at the destruction he hadn't meant to create and Umbridge's words. She couldn't actually give him detention for a whole year. That was ridiculous! 

Blood dripped slowly from the pieces of the quill embedded in his hand. He'd have to sort that out before his vampire healing decided to heal over the shards. And it would be a pain to make sure he didn't leave any of his blood where Umbridge could get it.

Umbridge just seemed inclined to keep screaming at him.

Before Harry even felt his presence, the bastard, Ash burst into the room. He quickly surveyed the room and Harry's hand.

"Professor Umbridge." Ash greeted, almost respectfully, "I had heard an explosion, what happened? Are the both of you all right?"

"That boy!" Umbridge shrieked, turning on Ash now, "That devil blew up my office!"

Ash raised a discreet eyebrow at Harry, who just returned it.

"Shall I call Filch to tidy up your office?" Ash offered, "I think Mr. Potter needs to visit Madam Pomfrey."

That made Umbridge turn and see the shards of her quill in his hand and pale a little.

"No, no." She said, almost succeeding in sounding genuine, "I can heal him."

Harry grit his teeth, there was no way he was letting her cast magic on him when his blood was already out. Ash seemed to think so too.

"I can heal him," Ash said, his tone making room for no argument, "I had actually come to call you to the Headmaster's office. He told me he wanted to talk to you about... Actually I apologise, I don't think he did tell me."

Umbridge's interest piqued. And she didn't hesitate to rush towards Dumbledore's office. A casual flick from Ash's wand had the room returning to its natural, horrible state and the shard's flying out of Harry's cuts before that too got repaired.

It looked for all the world, as if nothing had happened. But the quills didn't repair themselves. Ash bent down to see the first pen that Harry had chucked at the wall, the only one mildly in tack.

"Why were you actually here?" Harry asked, not believing for a second that Dumbledore had sent him.

Ash looked at his pupil, amused, "Your magic called out to me. Quite strongly. I'm surprised you didn't notice, I'm sure that young Veela did. I saw him spasm quite violently when you sent your magic out. It was quite hilarious but I'm sure one of your Gryffindors is already dying to tell you."

"You were with Draco?" Harry asked, curious as to what the aged vampire had been doing.

"Professor Grubbly-Plank asked for me to help her with her detention." Ash said nonchalantly.

"And you helped her?" Harry couldn't stop the question, that was just too much. Ash helping someone? It was like the idea Voldemort loving someone! Unbelievable!

Ash seemed unimpressed, "It was an interesting idea she proposed to me. And I wanted to watch so I helped. I have a feeling you also helped."

Harry shrugged, having no idea what he was talking about.

"Your Gryffindors will tell you." Ash said, ending the conversation.

"They're not my Gryffindors." Harry grumbled under his breath.

But of course since Ash was a vampire too, he heard and finished, "Yet. I'm sure you're working on that too."

Harry sighed. Ash always seemed to know thinks that Harry tried to hide, "What's going to happen when Umbridge goes to Dumbledore but he wasn't expecting her?"

Vampiric Return // Tomarry FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora