Chapter 1

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Harry looked at the Dursley's house is disgust. He couldn't believe he'd have to live there again. After so long. It had been 25 years. A quarter of a century. He had lived 25 years in luxury and now he was back in this hovel.

Harry gave one look at the Dursley's house before deciding he needed a long meal before he tortured himself by returning. He turned on his heel, black robe flowing behind him. Every step Harry took emanated power. Even the muggles stopped to look at him for a second before returning to whatever they were doing. 

Why did his mentor have to send him back to this world? Couldn't Harry just live forever in the Immortal World? At least for a little longer? 25 years was nothing compared to the ordinary lifespan of a vampire. 

Harry had spent his 25 years in the Immortal World studying. Studying magic. Magics of all sorts. He'd honed his shadow craft, given to him when he became a vampire, and learnt hand-combat and other methods of self defence. His mentor had strongly believed that being able to defend oneself was the first thing any creature should learn. That you should not learn other knowledge until you can defend it.

Harry slipped into an inconspicuous alleyway in the muggle suburb and shadow-stepped to Knockturn alley. Sure, a muggle would suffice for his meal. But he wouldn't risk killing so close to his place of residence, lest anyone link the murders to him. And wizard blood tasted a million times better anyway. All that magic that thrummed in their blood. The more powerful, the better.

Although, of course, in this world, no powerful, self-respecting wizard would let his blood be sucked dry by a vampire. At least, not willingly. And Harry didn't feel like drawing attention to himself just yet. Not until he'd spoken to Voldemort and evaluated him properly.

Harry looked around for a delicious wizard. His hood hid half his face, so he didn't need to worry about anybody recognising him. Even if he was 25 years older, he looked 18 and beared a strong resemblance to his younger 15 year old self.

The vampires who had in essence stolen him from this world wouldn't turn him until he was of age. And even at age 17, he still bore the remainders of his malnourished childhood. Harry didn't want to look like that for the rest of his life, and so he waited until it was all gone. That had happened at 18.

It took 3 years of over-eating, intense magical potions and spells, and working out for hours everyday to do that. Still Harry had a lithe figure, but he wasn't short, he wasn't skinny, and he wasn't weak.

Becoming a vampire had been one of the strangest experiences Harry had ever experienced. His mentor had feed him some of his blood, which had repulsed his human taste buds, and then proceeded to drink every drop of Harry's blood.

The pleasure from the vampire bite, the draining of his life force, and the burning of his stomach as his mentor's blood rushed to replace all of Harry's, was enough that Harry was only vaguely aware of what had happened. Harry had lost his virginity to his mentor that night.

Once he was turned, Harry had to spend the next five years inside during the day. Trapped. That was when Harry's studies had turned book orientated. Until that point, Harry had hated book learning, only wanting to learn practical and physical things that would help him defeat Voldemort.

But there had been nothing else to do. In those books, knowledge had changed Harry's views. Voldemort wasn't evil because he practised dark magic. Magic wasn't a thing that was either light or dark. It just existed. Voldemort wasn't evil because he killed people. Harry had killed people for a year straight after becoming a vampire, unable to restrain himself. And Harry didn't think of himself as evil. Voldemort wasn't evil because he wanted to change the wizarding world. Everyone was entitled to their opinions.

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