Chapter 9

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They apparated to a different spot that Harry normally apparated or shadow-stepped to. For one, it was further away. And two, it was the other side of the house. Harry hadn't realised that he'd always been using the back entrance.

The front was far grander. They had to enter a huge, intricate gate and walk between rows of hedges until they reached the front doors. Harry hadn't realised how big Malfoy Manor was and he couldn't completely hide his surprise. At least, his gaping would make it seem as though he'd never been there before.

Kingsley seemed to be forcing himself to follow Harry as Harry was the one who had reason to be there. Kingsley was just there to protect him. They made there way to the front door where Harry knocked loudly.

Not five seconds later, the door opened and a house elf peering cautiously up at them.

"I is Pimpthy, what can Pimpthy be doing yous misters?" her voice was tiny and scared.

"'Afternoon, Pimpthy." Harry said, "Could you please tell Lady Malfoy that the new Lord Black would like to speak with her?"

Pimpthy seemed shocked by Harry's greeting but nodded and popped away. She returned not long after to lead them into a waiting area. The entrance was no less grand than the rest of the house but it seemed like this part of the house was made specifically for showing off one's wealth. Which it probably was.

"Mistress be seeing you shortly." Pimpthy said, bowing and popping away as soon as her job was done.

Harry sat himself in the couch that, if Harry had learnt pure-blood etiquette correctly, which he would be surprised if he hadn't, was for the guest. Kingsley sat beside him, assuring Harry that this was indeed the guest's seat.

Narcissa Malfoy, nee Black entered the room not long after. She wore a casual pure-blood dress that would look formal to anyone not used to the pure-blood fashion. She was the image of what Harry was taught as the perfect pure-blood wife. Though, her eyes gave her away.

Her icy blue eyes gave away her critical mind. She was able to control every other part of her body but not her eyes. They showed surprise at seeing Harry Potter and Kingsley Shacklebolt and instant suspicion.

The rest of her demeanour seemed curious, polite, and invited them to speak first.

"I don't believe we've ever properly been introduced." Harry began, rising to his feet to grab her hand and bow, "I am Harry Potter, recently named Lord to the Noble and Most Ancient house of Black."

"Lord?" Narcissa asked kindly, her eyes going cold at the title.

"Indeed." Replied Harry, smiling sweetly at her, "Your aunt named me Lord when I met her painting at Grimmauld Place a few days ago."

He was able to say the location. Interesting. So, Narcissa knew the address to the Order of the Phoenix, yet the Dark Lord did not? Was she also under the fidelius charm? Unlikely.

Kingsley Shacklebolt stiffened at the mention of headquarters, his eyes flickering to Narcissa, accusatory. She straightened, her eyes glimmering dangerously.

"Would you tell me why my dear Aunt would name you Lord, Mister Potter?" Narcissa said, stirring the conversation back to the Lordship, even if the topic they spoke about had never changed. She couldn't hide the snide remark about his family and blood-status that needed nothing more that her tone of voice to reach home her satisfaction.

Harry nodded politely, "She told me, after the event, that she had been waiting for someone who was not Sirius. It was as simple as that, I do believe."

Narcissa took a while to reply, "Are you aware of what has come of my cousin?"

"He lives with me, feeling much cooped up." Harry said, taking a leap to trust this woman. She hadn't told the Dark Lord about Grimmauld Place and she even asked about her cousin as if she cared. Harry continued, "He isn't allowed to leave Grimmauld Place."

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