Chapter 2

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Hedwig woke Harry up the next morning, pecking at his face as if he were a snack. Harry almost flung out with his magic, but stopped himself when he saw it was Hedwig. Harry was not a morning person.

Harry gave her a hard and long look before he realised she had heard someone coming towards his room. Harry relented and brought back his young Harry appearance. How she knew the person was going to enter and not just bang on the door like Petunia had the morning before, Harry didn't know. But they did.

Dudley burst into the room with no pre-warning. He saw Harry half-sitting in bed, wearing no t-shirt, and blushed bright red. Harry had no idea what to do. He had started this himself. Wow, he regretted that now.

"I-U-U" Dudley stumbled over his words, deepening his blush.

Harry stared at him in shook, deciding to say nothing and get ready for going to see Voldemort. Dudley didn't seem to mind, didn't even seem to realise that Harry was getting into wizarding robes. They were a set of formal robes that were charmed to always fit. So even in Harry's normal appearance, they would look good.

It was weird being watched so intensely by his childhood bully. And even if he had changed, if Dudley had a crush, it was totally inappropriate. They were cousins. That wasn't much of a problem in the world Harry had come from, it was even understandable in the wizarding world, but completely unacceptable in muggle Britain. What was Dudley thinking?

"I'm going out now, Dudley. Was there anything you actually wanted to say to me?" Harry asked. Dudley shivered at his name and Harry sighed.

"Harry." Dudley began, paused as if thinking about giving up but pursued onwards, "I'm sorry."

Harry froze at the words. He was sorry?

Dudley coughed awkwardly into his hand, "I really am sorry, Harry. For- For being mean. And calling you names..."

"And for beating me up?" Harry asked, a noticeable bite behind his words, "And for chasing me? And telling everyone to avoid me at school?"

Dudley flinched at the words, but nodded, "I am. I really am, Harry."

"What?" Harry asked, indignant, "Because I made a move on you?"

Dudley flushed bright red and clenched his fists, "N-No. It just kinda made me realise you're a person."

Harry stared at Dudley, jaw hanging, more shocked than he'd ever been in his life, "That I'm a person? What the hell did you think I was? A demon?"

Dudley looked down, thoroughly ashamed. Harry realised with a start that was exactly what he had thought.

"I can't believe this!" Harry exclaimed, "I'm your cousin! We are literally related!"

"I know that, Harry." Dudley said, "I'm sorry. Please!"

"Please, what?" Harry spat.

"Forgive me."

Harry calmed his breathing. He had no right to be so angry at someone who was making a genuine effort to apologise. His mentor would be ashamed of him.

Harry pushed Dudley up against the wall. Dudley blushed but Harry paid it no attention. Harry stared Dudley in the eye. He used a touch of legilimency to see if Dudley had any ulterior motives. Harry was surprised to find nothing of the sort. Dudley was genuinely sorry.

Harry sighed, "Dudley, I'll think about it for the rest of the day. Okay? I do have somewhere to be now, though."

Dudley nodded and Harry slipped into the shadows. Dudley gasped at his sudden disappearance. But he'd think it was ordinary magic, so there was no danger of him leaping to the conclusion that Harry was a vampire.

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