"I can't let them die again. I can't." Dean whispers brokenly, realizing that his mom had to die-but he didn't want to lose her again. "Not if I can stop it. I don't want to lose my daughter, I will find away to save them both." Dean vows. He looks over only to find the angel gone. He looks into the back seat, finding Dakota fiddling with her hands nervously.

Dean wants to say something, to assure her that he wouldn't lose her but he wasn't so sure anymore. He didn't want to have her never be born, but he can't lose his mom again.

Dakota wonders about her mom, she wants to meet her desperately but every time she would attempt to bring her up, Dean gets annoyed and dodges the questions. Sam just flat out refuses to answer the child about her mother, not wanting to risk Dean's anger.

Before this case, Dakota hadn't given her mother much thought, of course she would wonder occasionally about the woman you gave birth to her. She just wouldn't think about her to this extent, but seeing Dean talk to his mother again-it made her wonder if she could ever have a conversation with her.

"Whatcha thinking about back there?" Dean questions in a soft tone, his eyes darting to the rear view mirror and back to the road.

"Mommy." She informs quietly, not looking up to meet her father's gaze. "It's just seeing you and grandma...I want to have that."

Dean pauses, he didn't understand Dakota bringing up her mother. He hoped that he would go her whole childhood without having to explain to her about the woman.

"You do, with me."

"No," Dakota disagrees. "It's not fair, daddy. Why can't we have our mommies? Why can't grandma live? Why did mommy leave us?" Dakota's eyes water, her lip starts to quiver.

"Baby..." Dean trails unsure of what to say. Dakota's never reacted like this to something, she's never been so sad for something she doesn't have. "I don't know why we can't have moms, it seems like the whole world is against us, doesn't it?"

"Why can't we be happy?" She questions, it almost seemed like she was asking herself. The question wasn't directed towards anyone, but Dean heard it. He feels like his heart just broke, he clenches his jaw and shuts his eyes tightly for a second before sighing.

"Kota, in our life there's a lot of bad stuff-bad people. There's also a lot of good in it, we save people and their families, we save them the pain that we went through. We also learn to cherish the small moments, that's our happiness. The people we save and our moments as a family, that's what brings us happiness in this life." Dean explains slowly, trying to get her to understand that they do have happiness in their life, granted it's not a lot but it's some.

"You mean like our movie nights with uncle Sammy? And Bobby?" She asks, her head tilting to the side. Dean cracks a smile, remembering all the nights where they all sat around Bobby's broken living room and watched movies together.

"Exactly like that." He agrees.

"And when we sing along to the radio, even though it annoys uncle Sammy?" She adds.

"Mhmm." Dean grins back at her, before flipping on the radio.

He starts singing along to the song before pointing his hand back to his daughter, she giggles before joining him.


When they make it Haleyville, Dean wastes no time finding Daniel Elkins house. They break into it, Dakota over exaggerating her movements because Dean told her to be sneaky. Dean can't help but chuckle at her.

He crouches by the vault in Elkins' living room. He carefully opens after breaking into it, the Colt is laying on top of some papers and books. Dakota hums to herself and starts to spin like a ballerina as Dean checks the Colt for bullets. He glances at his daughter in amusement before a shotgun cocks behind me.

Dean stiffens.

"Hold it right there, friend." The man holding the shotgun warns. Dakota whimpers and moves a couple steps back, inching closer to Dean. "Drop the gun. Be on your way."

Dean slowly stands, moving Dakota to be between him and the vault. He acts like he's going to place the Colt on top of the vault, before moving and aiming at the man, cocking the gun with one hand.

"Can't do it, Daniel." Dean says gruffly, his eyes focused on Elkins.

"Who the hell are you?" Elkins asks, unnerved that Dean knew his name.

"A hunter, just like yourself." Dean informs.

"'Thief' is more like it." Elkins sneers, his hand wavering slightly but still remained on the Winchesters.

"I just need it for a few days."

"Not happening, mister." Elkins scoffs.

"Look, I have a chance to save my family's lives. My family. But I need this gun to do it." Dean tries to persuade him, Dakota whimpers again quietly-drawing Elkins' attention towards her. She watches him with wide green eyes. "So if you want to stop me, kill me."

"No!" Dakota shrieks loudly. Dean uncocks the Colt and holds it up. "Please don't!"

Dean slips his hand into Dakota's smaller one, holding his other one up in the air with the Colt. He walks to the side, Elkins doing the same—following Dean with his gun.

The Winchesters get close to the door before Dean stops, faces Elkins with a clenched jaw. The men stare at each other for a few passing seconds before Elkins presses his lips together and lowers the gun.

"There's some hunters in Lawrence--the Campbells."

"Never heard of them." Elkins shrugs.

"That's where she'll be." Dean says vaguely.

They both nod to each other, Dean then pulls Dakota out the door. Not before she calls a 'thank you' over her shoulder to Elkins, grateful that he didn't kill them.

After making it to the car, Dean races off towards Liddy Walsh's house, knowing that the demon will be there.

The car ride is silent, Dakota not wanting to say something while Dean is deep in thought. She knows that he's thinking about what he's going to do when he faces the demon.

They make it to the Walsh's house quicker than Dakota thought was possible, she knew Dean sped but not that much. They hear fighting and shouting inside the house, Dean scrambles to get out of the car with the Colt.

"Stay in the car!" He rushes out quickly, exiting the car and running towards the house.

"Be careful!" She yells after him, Dean almost smiles at her words.

She watches from the window as the demon grabs Mary by the neck, Dean holds the Colt up--taking aim and sliding a bullet into the chamber. Dakota can't hear what they say but she watches the scene intently, her eyes glued on her father's figure.

Mary suddenly elbows the demon, rolling out of the way for Dean to shoot. Dakota shouts in surprise as the demon exits his body in a cloud of black smoke. The smoke disappears towards the ceiling and she sighs deeply. She deems it safe enough to leave the car, so she slides out and walks towards the house.

She runs into the house and crashed into her father, hugging him tightly. He brushes her hair back soothingly a couple times before asking her to stay with Samuel as he steps outside to talk to Mary.

Dakota sits on the coffee table, waiting for Samuel to get done telling Liddy Walsh a cover story. She hears the vents make a groaning noise, metal grinding against each other. She can't even scream as her vision is engulfed with black.

Edited 4/20/19

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