The Letter * ADDED ON*

Start from the beginning

The doors had slid open to the grand throne room. The walls were painted shades of Ivory and the floors were full of white tiles. I began walking slowly towards the king on the green leather carpet with Carina walking ahead of me.

The king had kept his elderly and wise eyes locked onto mine . He is younger then me jet he looks so accient. That had made me feel so old by staring at him , he had risen a eyebrow and I decided to glance back down to Carina.

Once I was close enough to him, he had stood up from the throne."Mr. Taneleer"

"King Odin" I respond back to him giving a low bow of my head removing my round glasses.

" One of my people have given me a report that Ava has been arrested by Novacorps and sent to a prison"

Oh he wants to talk about that. This is going to end terribly for sure .

"Yes, for foregery and illegal time travel , my king. "

He placed his hands on his beard then taken a step down from his huge flight of stairs"Why would she go to prison ? Couldn't you just pay her out ?"

"I have to wait for a few days until she learns her lesson, then I will consider it" I told him. My disobedient daughter needs to learn the lesson that should be learned. She needs to learn the hard life that she had placed herself into. Terrible women need to be punished hard, while a woman like my daughter should only be brushed with the crimes that she commited.

Odin began walking down the flight of stairs and Carina had moved out of the way so the king could get a better look at me . Odin stopped at the last three stairs staring down at me.

"You are going to take her out of the prison now, she is being hunted by Ronan" He ordered.

I taken a step forward. The man who is known for killing armies? The prison would honestly be the best place for her to stay in then. I mean it's under survailence! She wouldn't get a single scar on her face.

"How do you know this Odin?" I asked.

"He sent me a letter for her hand in marriage. Of course I declined, she is a member of the royal family still even if my son is dead. Her child isn't going to be a crime lord! I want him to be wealthy and a king more then anything"

"Agreed" I had said immedaitely at him. I don't want my daughter to be married to some cree army leader known for working with Thanos . That would be insane, and I completely agree with Odin.

"Excellent so your going to bring her here after you bail her out. Hopefully the cost wont be too expensive for you." He had said.

I don't know about that.

Ronan's P.O.V

It was rather dark.

We are in space but what I meant to say is that it's getting rather dark right now. Gamora's sister Nebula was in the room with me as she watched me pase back and forth so close to the glass window.

Nebula had watched me slowy as she gotten more and more tired . She has been here for over four hours watching me do this. If I hadn't known better , I had known that she was rather pleased with herself that Gamora failed the quest.

Ava should have been here by now. I would have thought that Gamora would had easily taken her out of her father's reach and brought her here. Plus instead of my empty hand, I would be holding the orb that I deeply desired.

My letter to the king was double sidded. I had written the letter just to be polite about asking him for taking the princess of Asgard to be my wife. I knew that he was going to say no clearly because of the baby , but can't I just be a gentleman about it.

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now