ClintCAWCAW: does she ship you guys or something? LoLLL


DannyTheMuffin: if you lived under a rock wouldn't you be DEAD

DannyTheMuffin: have I been living under a rock..

StarLight: go to sleep

NinOhNO: I aM cOnFuSiOn

Rin: you get used to it! Don't worry!

AlyaAAA: who're you?

Rin: half demon

AlyaAAA: cool!

Rin: :D


DannyTheMuffin: I'M SHOOKETH

GoshdarnitElizabeth!: how much sleep are you getting?

DannyTheMuffin: so little that I don't even know what sleep is

SammyTheGoth: Alright, Tuck! Time to start putting melatonin in his food again! We've been slacking and he's acting crazy

Ladybug!: you put sleep medicine into his food?

StarLight: trust me. It's needed. You want to keep living, right?

ImmaBirthMothaFuckah: what is going on

Tucker_LadiesMan: wEiRd tHiNgs StArT hApPenIng aT oNe AM

Rin: It's not even 1 AM where i'm at tho

DannyTheMuffin: awhawahwa yOu SpILlED LIpStIcK iN mY vAlEnTiNo WHiTE bAG-

StarLight: the vine references are upon us...

Jazzy: he just jumped out the fucking window

Jazzy: apparently there was a spider

SamnyTheGoth: it was my favorite window too

SammyTheGoth: now the area where the spider was is on fire

Jazzy: i'm not even gonna move

Lancer: I'm looking forward to retirement

DannyTheMuffin: ThE sPiDeR hAs bEeN eLimInAtEd

Peter-Man: NUUUUU

DannyTheMuffin: not you

DannyTheMuffin: an evil Spider.

Peter-Man: :D

DannyTheMuffin: I wAnTeD tO bE a CoW bOy BabY

Thor: This is quite amusing! But Loki doesn't think so...

Loki: this whole thing is absurd

DannyTheMuffin: FITE ME BISH

Loki: how dare you challenge me! Mortal! I shall have you know that I am Loki! God of mischief!

DannyTheMuffin: I'm jake from state farm. Would you like a pair of khakis?

Loki: what??

DannyTheMuffin: BiTCh I hOpE tHe fUcK yOu Do yOu'd bE a

LilMikeyDaBest: ...

StarLight: oh thank god, he's finally asleep

Jazzy: while halfway in a wall

Tucker_LadiesMan: ItS fInALlY nOt MEeE



I dunno either man...

I wrote the first half earlier today (er... yesterday i guess) then I decided to write the rest at One AM

We ALl kNoW wHaT hApPeNs aT oNe AM


Another chapter is up on my new book 'Frozen Memories' if you wanna check it out

It's a DP x ROTG (rise of the guardians) crossover...

I'm very tired

So good day

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