blood does not equal family

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Demi's Girlfriend
Age 21


Tears cascaded down your face as your frustration got the best of you, your inability to sleep something out of a curse book. It was the third night in a row where you had lain awake all night, unable to get any rest and you could feel it in your body, with your bones cracking and muscles aching, it was only a matter of time before your body shut down and you would be forced unconscious.

Reaching over to your nightstand, you felt around for a while before finally setting your hands upon your phone, unlocking it before dialling your girlfriend's number, hoping and praying that maybe hearing her voice would be enough to get you to sleep.

"Hey Y/N/N, what's up?"

"Demi," You sobbed, choking on your own words. "I can't do it anymore. I'm so — I'm so tired, I just want to sleep."

"Oh baby," Demi's voice grew soft as she cooed into the phone. "Have you tried a hot bath or something to help you relax?"

"Of course I tried that Demi! Nothing works! I'm miserable, I don't want to get to the point where I'm not sleeping for weeks at a time again!"

"I'm sorry," You could practically hear your girlfriend biting her lip through the tone of her voice. At the sound of your intensifying cries, Demi's breathing hitched — she hated that you had to deal with this so often.

"When are you coming home Dems? I thought you were just at the studio?" You sputtered out, sniffling every few seconds.

"I told my mom I would come and visit her today and now I'm stuck here. I thought you would be okay, but —"

"I'm sorry Demi, I'm sorry." Guilt laced your voice as you heard Demi tsk and begin to scold you for apologising.

"Don't fucking apologise Y/N, it's my fault! I should have told you to meet me here." Demi began. "Do you want me to get Dallas to pick you up? She's already out and about picking up snacks."

"I don't really feel like being around anyone apart from you, I'm sorry. My mom called today and —" Your voice trailed off as you remembered the horrible phone call from your mother shortly after Demi left this morning.

"She wasn't approving? Of us?" Demi guessed sadly.

"She told me that she hopes I live in the darker pit of hell and won't let me talk to my siblings anymore. She told me I'm not welcome to call anyone in my family anymore and that I was alone. She said that when you leave me she won't be there to help me pick up my pieces."

Demi took a sharp breath in, seeing white for a second before coming back to her normal self. "You aren't ever gonna be alone Y/N, because I'm never gonna leave you. I love you so fucking much. Just hold tight and I'll be home in twenty."

"Demi, one more thing." Your voice cracked in the middle of your sentence. You knew this was going to be hard. "I nearly — I nearly did something really bad today."

"Fuck," Demi breathed. As much as she didn't want to hear it, she knew she had to. Your recovery was important to her recovery and vice versa. "You can tell me, baby."

"B-Blades. I bought them. I nearly used one but I didn't Demi, I didn't. I need them out of here but I can't do it myself."

"It's okay, I can do it. I'll get rid of them okay?"

"But Demi, your recovery —"

"I'm fine. I trust myself to get rid of them, you don't need to worry. I'm coming home now Y/N/N, I'm coming home now."

Waiting for Demi was the longest twenty minutes of your life. Knowing that you could easily hurt yourself with one of the blades sitting on your nightstand right now was causing you immense mental pain as you did anything you could to stop yourself from reaching over to get one. After what felt like hours of waiting, you finally gave in and rolled over onto your other side and grabbed a blade, holding it in her hand. Before you could do anything, the light switched on and your girlfriend appeared in the doorway, her actions lighting fast as she darted over to you and grabbed your wrist roughly, yanking the blade from between your fingers and back onto the nightstand. Gathering them all in her hand, she walked to the bathroom and flushed them before returning, holding you against her chest as she rocked you back and forth to soothe your cries.

"What were you thinking Y/N?" She asked gently, unbuttoning your long sleeve pyjama shirt to examine your body to make sure you hadn't inflicted any harm on yourself.

"I was thinking about how terrible of a person I am that I just pulled my girlfriend away from her family just because I don't have one anymore."

"Y/N/N," Demi pressed you tighter against her, your bare skin sticking to her fingertips. "My family is your family. They love you almost as much as I do. Blood doesn't make a family hun, a bond does."

"I never want to lose you, Demi, don't let me lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere, baby."

You felt the pads of your girlfriend's thumbs wipe away the tears that were furiously rolling down your cheeks, her concern evident by the way she was holding you. She had crossed your arms across your chest and held you so tightly you couldn't move them, a tactic she had learned years ago to stop you giving in to your urges. Somehow, no matter how angry you got at her for doing it, it always helped you. Every time.

Demi always dropped everything for those she loved, and you were the one she loved the most in this world. She would lay down her life for you in a heartbeat, tarnish her reputation, live a life of constant misery and pain if it meant that you didn't have to. Demi saved you from the strangers that would try to take advantage of you on the streets and yourself, making you eternally grateful. She got rid of all the bad she could, leaving her to try and expel the bad from you too. 

Ehhhh??? I wrote this in like half an hour and it's subpar at best? You guys deserve better I'm sorry :(

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