I'd like to get to know you!

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Hello readers! I'm going to be posting some questions I've seen on surveys, quizzes, q and a's, that stuff. I'll also answer them.
•Favorite colour?
Green! Or orange. Just don't combine the two.
•Favorite song?
I don't know. I listen to a lot of stuff, so that makes it harder to decide. I guess the song A Part Of Your World isn't all that bad. #throwinitbacktothe90s
•What's your opinion on pizza?
Pizza's cool.
•How do you peel the Starburst wrapper?
I unfold it so it's whole.
I personally hate coffee but their hot cocoa is pretty good.
•Who's your favorite author?
Oh my gosh, I don't know. I really like Rick Riordan.
•Will you let me go?
Bismillah no!
•Who's your celebrity crush?
If you read my comments on other stories, I'm always obsessing over Tom Felton, so there's your answer.
(Don't know who he is? Go Google it.)
•Who's your favorite 1D member?
I don't really pay attention to them, but I like Niall because he's Irish like me. And Liam's pretty cool. He's the one who hates spoons, right?
HEY, BATMAN! (Get it? Hey, Jude and Batman? No? Okay.)

Okay, so there's ten questions!
Also.. This isn't really a rant book anymore. It's more of a life book-- SQUIRRELL.
But I'm not going to re title.

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