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This isn't even about songs. This is about that feeling when you only know part of a song and that part is stuck in your head so all day it's just like:
*in the store*
Under the sea, under the sea. Under the sea, under the sea.
*on a walk*
Under the sea, under the sea. Under the sea, under the sea.
Under the sea, under the sea. Under the sea, under the sea.
And then there's that one person who sings it and you're just like sHUT UP!
Oh, and speaking of repetitive song lyrics, here's a letter I wrote just now.
Dear (insert singer here),
It's called (insert song here), not
(lyric)x 80,000.
A person who hates your song.
And yes, I know, it's supposed to be 'catchy' or whatever, but still, I turn on a song and it's like 'lyriclyriclyriclyriclyriccheeselyriclyriclyriclyric.'
Oh, and don't even get me started on the songs that have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ACTUAL TITLE. Like, let's say I wrote a song about zuccini. And I titled it 'Zuccini.' And the song goes like
'Lasagna, lasagna, lasagna, friends don't eat potatos without eachother, LAAAAAAASAAAAAGNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! potato..'
No. Just shut up.
Comment songs that are like any of the examples, and I'll listen to them and agree with you entirely.

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