woah! emotions! (non-rant)

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Hey, sit down.

Let's talk about sad books.

I think it's safe to say that I have a lot of books in my library. About 100, actually. I like to read. But you know what books I like to read? The books where the author can make their characters so three-dimensional you can empathize with them. I love crying! And I know half of you are typing comments such as,

'You masochistic, depressed,doting,unbalanced freak! How the flapjacks could anyone like sadness?'

To that, I have two things to say.

Number one, nice vocabulary. I see you use your Thesaurus properly.

Number two, it means the writer is doing well. That they can bring emotions out of the reader! I look up to those people, and I hope someday I can do that. It's actually quite beautiful (or pulchritudinous for you Thesaurus users 😋).

I hope you got enough big words out of me for the chapter. I enjoyed sounding smart.

life by meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz