non rant

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The Fault In Our Stars.

After months of being bugged, I read it a few weeks ago.

Let me say one thing.

I didn't cry.


No! I, Thomas D. Trane did not cry.

It's because I knew the ending.

Someone *cough* thanks, sis *cough* spoiled the ending.

I guess I was expecting worse, so I couldn't be down in the dumps.

It's like when I watched Blink (an episode of Doctor Who). My mom told me it was terrifying and that I'd be scared for days.

I didn't get scared.

I guess if you let your imagination get readied before you watch/read/whatever something, it'll come up with worst case scenario so you won't be as scared or sad or happy or whatever.

{{My real name isn't Thomas D. Trane. It's an inside joke with my friend Old Lady Leo.}}

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