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Yes, I know Kevin (@Parogar) did a hate on this. I don't care, okay? I'm going to do a rant on it.

Frozen is a great movie, yeah. I've seen it three times so I know this stuff. It sends a great message to young girls that you don't need a man to save you, and I think that's a wonderful lesson, but you know what gets my flapjacks flipping? It's seven months later and people are still making Frozen references. For example, I was reading a book on here, and one of the characters said "Let it go," as in move on or whatever. The comments for that section were all along the lines of any of the three following:

•"Frozen!!!1!1! Omgz I love Elsa!!"


•"Let it go, let it go, I can't hold it back anymore!!"


or my favorite,

•"So sick of Frozen."

Me too bro, me too.

Like, there are other references to be noticed. What about The Little Mermaid? Or 101 Dalmations? And how the heck could you forget Monsters Inc.?

It doesn't even have to be Disney or Pixar!

What time is it? Summer time! It's our vacation, which means that people who are tired of Frozen need to all be in it together while they have free time. Come on, get your head in the game and start making different jokes! I don't care if you don't dance, it doesn't have to be grand. You can make small references. But if you're as tired of Frozen as I am, remember; what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

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